Chapter 5

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Y/n POV:

Although already quiet, it felt like the world had silenced itself outside. From the crack in the door, we saw the sun no longer shone through the pizzeria and everything fell darker and colder than before. Faint chatter from outside perked our ears up from someone who came through the doors, before they were closed and locked once the owner finished talking to them. The owner always used to greet new employees on their first night, at least keeping that tradition showed to be one good idea about the new place. Soon enough, the clock struck twelve, dinging rather loudly with a slightly new tone than it used to be, ever so slightly raised in pitched. In an instance, we reverted to our animatronic forms, spotting a camera in the corner this room, but only watching half of it. 

We remained where we sat for a while, enjoying the tension that heightened in the atmosphere as slowly the night guard mentally understands that it isn't quite like a normal night shift in other jobs. Every now and then, the camera flicked to red to indicate the night guard staring at us. At first, it lingered over us for a while, the night guard probably trying to figure us out. But within the next hour, they merely skimmed over us. 

I heard metal clanging as Bonnie stood up, deciding to leave the room and make a movement. I smile to myself - thankful that my face is away from the camera - he'd always acted as the first to move. Shortly after, Chica followed the movements and lifted to her feet, taking her time to leave the room. Chica and Bonnie certainly behaved like an iconic dynamic duo. In sporadic patterns, I detect metallic footsteps making their way through the pizzeria. Soon enough, once realising it had to be just over halfway through the night, I decided to make a movement myself. I stood outside the back room, able to stare directly at the stage. I noticed only Fred on the main stage. At first I believed the others moved quick, until realising my lack of knowing how many animatronics were kept on stage overnight. 

I walked past him, noticing the red light under the camera, meaning he was being watched. Before turning into one of the party rooms, I noticed a glimpse of purple walking past me. Bonnie, appearing to be on a mission by his upright posture and fast steps. However, he paused beside me. 

"It's so different here," he whispered to me, managing to control his voice box enough to not speak too loudly. 

"It's really big. I just want to look around," I responded, taking note of the fact that I also didn't even know where the main office resided anymore. Not to mention, my last memories of the establishment once involved multiple paths that led to the office.

"There's no door, but there's vents. They lead to the main office," he told me. 

I tilted my head in confusion. What's the point in having vents and not just a door? It seemed like they purposefully were wanting ways for animatronics to get to the night guard easily, "Weird. I'm going to go see."

Bonnie nodded my way before walking past me. I assumed he'd be giving me a smile if he could, but I felt awful for him.

He wasn't wrong, the entire place appeared so different to how it used to be. Colour everywhere, even in the darkness they tried to blind me. Plus, the place now doubled in size, now being double the amount of private party rooms than there used to be. I was glad a main one still sat in the place though, still rather similar to its old version, except with new decor. Long tables organised in even patterns over the floor, littered with party hats and sparkly table cloth made of paper or plastic. I took a nosey around the room, spotting a glistening silver vent on one of the walls. Judging by the sounds that came from it, I assumed the night guard sat on the other side of the vent. I could hear their chair squeaking as they moved, along with inaudible mumbling. The camera had a red light under it, so I knew they were looking at me, but the second it turned off, I made my move and stood by the vent. I felt reluctant to climb through it, but sort of wanted to, just to see what would happen.

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