Chapter 3

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Y/n POV:

"Just keep in your territory, and we'll keep in ours," I heard Mangle retort to us as they walked away, not once turning their heads back round to us once they'd finished their snarling and glaring.

I couldn't lie, my only emotion on everything at that moment was disbelief. It was so childish and pathetic, there was no need to begin a physical fight like that. My body ached a bit after that scrap, especially my elbows and back that kept getting bashed onto the floor. A lovely greeting and warm welcome.

The guy, Fred, stepped forward once he'd turned into his human form. He appeared well put together and formal, very similar to Freddy but just more catered for children, "I'm sorry that happened. I told them not to attack unless necessary."

"This doesn't need to be a war," spoke Freddy, sorting out his clothing and hair once again after being attacked.

"No, it doesn't," Fred agreed, he then stared directly to Freddy, "mind if we talk? Alone?"

Freddy blinked at him for a moment, contemplating things in his mind in silence. Ultimately, he sighed and said, "I suppose it's fine."

Together, they walked away in another silence, just the sound of their formal dress shoes clicking on the floor. That was when my eyes locked onto the beady, glowing eyes lurking within the depths of the shadows, murmuring ever so quietly. The toys ... still watching us like prey.

"Do you have a problem?" Chica asked them, flattening her tone to not raise another argument.

"With you? Yeah," Cece responded, just being a figure in the darkness. The only indication of who stood where came from the dramatic colours of their irises.

Chica rolled her eyes, turning around to face me, Bonnie and Foxy. We all sighed, shaking our heads or rolling our eyes when we caught eyes with each other, but also giving gentle and encouraging smiles to one another.

"I can't believe that just happened," Bonnie started conversation.

"I feel twelve again," Foxy added in, twisting himself around in order to not have to face the toys, who I assumed were still staring. But I'd never know, I refused to look at them. 

"Can we just go back in there?" I asked, referring to the backroom just beside us. I did't want to give the toys the satisfaction of making us leave the main area and go back into hiding, but relaxing sounded like the best idea. We'd been scrapped and then attacked, which didn't sit well with an already battered body, I could give my word on that.

"Good idea, actually," Chica agreed with me, already beginning to make her way back.

"Do you reckon Freddy will be long?" Bonnie questioned with concern.

Foxy placed a hand on his shoulder for a moment before walking past him, "I'm sure he'll be back soon, mate."

We returned back into the room, the instant darkness surrounding our bodies for a few seconds. But just before I closed the door behind us, I still spotted their harsh eyes peering at us with interest. It angered me, it made me feel like an animal in a zoo. I hated it enough when kids stared at me all day long, forget those of my own kind. Well, I supposed the kids staring wouldn't be happening anymore ... but now there were new things to adjust to.

Freddy's POV":

I followed Fred for a minute or so, soon entering the new office. Instantly, I noticed the lack of doors and more open space in the area. There was, however, vents at the sides of the room and a large gaping hole in the wall for entry. I guessed it would be easier getting to the night guards now, but perhaps a little too easy and ridiculous. Fred didn't sit down, but instead leaned against the desk with his hands supporting his body up. I remained stood ahead of him, folding my arms as I looked down at him.

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