Chapter 17

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"I'll take the bed with Estelle," Benny announces as we all stand in my room. There are some old sleeping bags from when my mom and I tried camping a while ago as a bonding exercise. We will probably never go again. I almost lit the tents of fire and mom sprained her ankle.

"My bed is a king and there are only two sleeping bags so someone else will have to join us," I tell them.

"Kinky," Ethan replies. I scowl at him and Jamie chuckles. Boys.

"I would but I smell like puke so I will just take a sleeping bag and shower in the morning. Jamie and Damon will have to hash it out," Ethan tells us, already starting to sober up.

"Well, I will take the middle. Benny and I will be in bed when you're ready," I tell them. Then I turn off my lights and climb into my bed, not even bothering to change.

A few seconds later after Benny and I have already been situated I feel someone slide into the covers next to me. I can already hear the soft snores Benny makes when he sleeps.

"Who is this," I whisper lowly into the dark. I turn on my other side so I can hear their response better.

"It's Damon. Jamie wanted to take the sleeping bag," Damon tells me in a deep and low voice.

"Oh," I reply simply. My eyes start to feel heavy and I let my eyelids fall close. Right before I drift off to sleep I feel an arm encase me and pull me close. I feel like I should have been uncomfortable, but I wasn't, not really. Then I drift off into a dreamless sleep.


Giggling floats through my ears and around my head making my eyes crack open. A harsh light blinds me and I immediately close my eyes again.

"Shh. My head is killing me," I croak out. My throat is dry and my mouth has a sour taste to it. I desperately need a shower and a toothbrush. Some Asprin would be nice too. When I go to move my arm up to cover my head my arms skim something hard yet warm.

What the hell?

When I find the courage to reopen my eyes I am shocked. My right arm is flung over a sleeping Damon and my head is on his chest whilst his arms are wrapped around my own body. I try to wiggle out of his grasp feeling more than uncomfortable and when his arms tighten their grip making it impossible to move I look around for help.

It's only then that I notice that everyone is circled around me-well us.

"Erm, a little help?" I ask, blushing at the awkwardness of the situation. The guys only laugh in response.

"Damn, what did we miss last night?" Ethan asks with a smirk.

"Nothing! This is all just a misunderstanding! Nothing happened at all I swear!" I all but yell. I try to wiggle out of Damon's hold even more.

"Stop. Moving." Damon demands. I scowl at him.

The guys all look between each other and burst out laughing.

"This isn't funny. Damon let me go," I scold him like a puppy who ate my shoes. Damon grumbles in response but doesn't let go.

"Damon Whatever Your Middle Name Is Shepland let me go this instance!" I yell, which sends the guys into another fit of laughter.

Eventually, I do get Damon to let me go, claiming that I need to shower and pee. I tell everyone to take turns in my shower and I will use my mom's. On my way out, Damon stops me.

"It's Camdon," he says. I look at him questionably, having no idea what he's talking about. "My middle name. It's Camdon," Damon says. I nod my head not knowing what else to say. Then I grab my clothes and tell the guys that my brother's room is next door if they want to borrow some clothes before they get in the shower.


After we are all showered and clean, we stand around my kitchen unsure of what to eat. My house is empty.

"We could go to Denny's," Benny suggests. When everyone agrees we go outside and look at my empty driveway.

"We all left our cars at Damon's house," I say, pointing out the obvious.

"We could call a cab?" Ethan suggests.

I huff not wanting the hassle. "Do you just want to order pizza. I mean it's almost lunchtime anyway," I tell them. They all look at me in astonishment.

"Hell yeah!" Ethan yells. "Man, she's a keeper," clapping Damon on the back he walks back inside, the rest of us following.

I get on the home phone, which is normally used for ordering food, and call the pizza place. I simply order two pepperoni pizzas and go into the living room where everyone is already sitting around and Benny has the remote flipping through channels.

"We have Netflix," I tell him. He hands me the remote to get to it and I give it back to him, not knowing what to put on.

"How's the head?" Jamie asks.

"Better I guess," I tell him. The harsh pounding that I felt this morning has dulled into a little tap here and there. I make my way over to the couch and make Damon scooch over so that I can sit in between him and Jamie. The awkwardness from this morning hangs in the air around us. I do my best to ignore it.

"What do you guys feel like watching?" Benny asks us from his spot on the love seat. He is sprawled out with his head on the armrest and his feet hanging over the other end while the rest of us lounge on the longer couch.

"What about a few episodes of The Walking Dead?" When everyone agrees with me Benny puts it on and we all watch it until the pizza arrives.

After I pay for the pizza I set both boxes of pizza on the coffee table and everyone digs in. The room is filled with silence as for no one knows how to fill it. The conversation that we had last night seems to find its way back into everyone's minds and the air around us becomes tense.

"Well, uhm, maybe we should get going. You know we have some stuff to do around the house," Damon says as he clears his throat awkwardly. "I guess we will talk to you later?"

Everyone nods and not too much longer Benny leaves too, claiming he has to get home before his mom kills him. When everyone has left I am left alone, sitting in the empty house in the empty neighborhood. At this moment I feel more alone than I ever have before. I knew that everything would change once I told them what happened, so I don't know why it hurts so much.

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