Chapter 1

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Let's get one thing straight, Estelle had not planned to go to the end of the trimester party, but it was her senior year, and everyone had been talking about how Jennifer and Sadie went out of their way to invite the college kids. Plus, they were her best friends and what kind of friend would she be if she didn't attend her own friends' party?

Estelle has been friends with the whole soccer team, seeing as how she was the teams' goalie. Sure, it was a Friday night and she had more homework than the other seniors who hadn't missed last period for a soccer practice, but what would one night off of school really hurt? It definitely wouldn't kill her, but it may make her wish that it had.


"Stella you are in charge of setting up the party games, Benny you are in charge of the liquor, and then Sadie and I will get the decorations and the music set up," Jennifer had claimed as soon as Benny, Sadie, and myself had arrived at Jennifer's house. Well, Jennifer's families' vacation house. Her dad had given her permission to use the cabin for a 'small' celebratory get-together to signify the end of the first trimester. What Mr. Shay didn't know was that the cabin was going to be used for an actual party filled with booze and sweaty teens with way too much sexual frustration.

Setting up the party games was easy enough as long as Jennifer wasn't nagging that the plastic balls had to be sorted by color and the solo cups had to be lined up in perfect formation. Benny, however, found his job to be much harder.

"Jennifer! What liquor did you say went in the green cups?"

"For God's sake! Benny pay attention-" I drone out the rest of their conversation for not having interest in the silly instructions.

Jennifer hadn't cared about presentation before she started dating the lacrosse team captain; Hunky Hank. That what everyone calls him anyway. I don't even think his name is even Hank. I'm pretty sure it's Henry. Of course, no one minds. His honey brown eyes and surfers tan-which must be fake since we live in the cold state of Massachusetts-distracts people from his name. His name could be Pooh and everyone would still drool as he walked by.

Sadie has been in a long-term relationship with Sam Haze since the middle school. Last year they were voted 'Most Likely to Get Hitched Right Out of High School'. Their relationship was envied throughout the whole school, even though he was a chess nerd and she was one of the soccer hotties. It gave people hope I guess.

Benny and I were the only single people in our group and Benny is only in our group because in Freshman year he had tried out for the girls' soccer team, thinking it was the boys. He didn't make the team anyway and he never tried out for the boys' team. We had all been best friends with him ever since. Really, Benny is only single because he is waiting for some chick that he has been crushing ever since eighth grade to give him the time of day, it's tragic really. But, at least he can say that he has dated more than one person, which is more than what I can say.

I have only had one boyfriend and that was in freshman year before I had joined the soccer team. His name was Dylan and we broke up after three months of dating. We had never gone farther than kissing, which I guess I am thankful for since he moved to North Carolina shortly after we had broken up. Jennifer likes to say that it is because I broke his heart, but I'm pretty sure his dad just got a better job offer. It's not like I had never been asked out or even been out on other dates but I never have enough time to commit to a relationship, they are too needy.


By the time 10:00 rolled around all of our guests had already arrived and discovered the booze table. Most of the younger class-men have already puked or looked like they may, while the older teens and college students look like they could last all night. Most of the party had spilled to the backyard where students stood hugging themselves for warmth or chugging beer with dazed smiles.

Jennifer was already looking a little wobbly on her feet and Hank kept his arm tight around her while he talked to the other lacrosse guys. Sadie and I had only had a few mixed drinks and were only feeling slightly buzzed while Benny, on the other hand, looked as if he may have drunk the whole damn house dry. He will definitely feel that in the morning.

When Derek Pilowski had approached me, I didn't think much about it. I didn't think much about it when he handed me a cup filled with mirky liquid either. My mistake.

"Hey," that's how the conversation always starts with an unsuspecting victim. A simple innocent 'hey' can be turned into something so deadly so quickly.

"Hey, Stella. You look nice tonight," I looked down at my simple skinny jeans and flowing white top. The compliment had stabbed my heart and injected a warmth within its tough outer shell. It could have been the alcohol but my head was feeling light and Derek seemed to be the only anchor.

"Thank you. How's the leg?" I ask, referring to his injury from a car accident a few months ago. Derek answered with a simple, its been doing better, and his watchful eyes scan my face as I drink the bitter liquid.

Derek and I continued talking about anything that seems to come to our mind in the few seconds when neither are talking. Derek had brown hair and blue eyes that seemed to pop out and grab your attention. If you hadn't known us we could look like siblings. We shared the same murky brown hair and bright blue eyes, but his face was more square than my own. His frame towered over mine, him being about 6"0' and me being 5"4'. He was handsome, and not in an intimidating way, it's funny how looks can be so deceiving.

The conversation seemed to be getting more intense with questions about the rough curriculum at school and balancing sports on top of everything and how he had felt after his accident. Maybe that's why I didn't mind when he asked me to follow him to a different room so we could talk without other prying ears. Of course, he ended up following me since I had been here before. When I stumbled up the stairs with a light head and wobbling balance Derek had helped me up and I apologized for my silliness, he didn't mind.

By the time we reached the top of the stairs, everything seemed to spin and become dark and faded. My limbs seemed to be weighed down with led. Derek, having picked up on my current situation carried me into the first room he saw, saying that I must have drunk too much. I thought he was right.

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