Author's Final Note

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About 2 and a half years ago, I wrote the first draft of a chapter for this fanfic. I'd been watching SWR and had an idea in my head as to what would happen if I was a character in it. This character became Willow. I then thought what it would be like if Ezra had a sibling, and this became Erica. So I started writing a story where these two characters and the Ghost crew went on adventures, basically SWR with two extra Spectres.

When the series ended, I realized I wanted more for my characters. Don't get me wrong, SWR is an amazing story that I will forever cherish but it wasn't mine. I needed to tell my own story of my characters, Willow, Erica, Jaina, Third Sister, Novar, Jack...and I will.

If you're confused as to what happened, the story ended in the World Between Worlds. This idea of a place where time could be messed with in the Star Wars universe fascinated me. I find it very hard to believe that Ezra was the first to use it. How many times has the fate of the story changed?

So I used it to take my story to a point where it could be considered canon: and keep my characters separate. If I were to write another story with Willow and Erica, Erica and Ezra will still be siblings. However, Third Sister has done something to where they are not together when we meet Erica again.

I'm not sure when or if I will continue their story. I have ideas, but I want it to be very different, and I want to go somewhere with them that Star Wars hasn't been before. So I suppose we'll see.

But thank you, dear reader, for finishing this. It was a journey for me, a marathon start to finish. I learned so much and can't wait to put it to work!

See you around,

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