Chapter Sixteen - The Choices

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"This is a rebellion?"


Leaning back, Erica tried to process that. She always heard rumors, whispers...but never a confirmation.

It was an idea that she had given up on years ago.

"People talk about one...hope about one..." she shook her head. "How long has it been going on?"

"Nearly a year."

"Except for Lothal, the Empire has kept it quiet on the planets I've been to. Raydonia, Rodia, Tatooine..."

Hera sighed. "I'm not surprised about Raydonia. They hold that planet tighter than any other planet in the Outer Rim. Lothal is an exception, but only because of your brother." Erica looked up expectantly. "I'll tell you some other time."

Hera stood up and went over to a colored mural on the wall. "Because of the Empire's silencing, it's small. Divided. We need all of the people we can get." She glanced at Erica."Medics, especially."


"I'm only asking you to consider it. I wouldn't hold anything against you if you didn't."

Their last conversation kept resonating within Erica's mind as she passed into the inviting shade of the infirmary on the rebel base. It was strange to her, knowing that there was a rebellion with an actual base. The base was located on an uninhabited planet called Atollon. Except for them, it was only wilderness. The perfect place to hide.

As she made her way to the examination rooms in the back, she waved to Michael, the head of the department. Hera introduced Erica to him when she first arrived, and he took her on a tour around the facility. He was demonstrating to several trainees on how to make a tourniquet, which was something that had to be taught carefully. He waved a gloved hand back and then continued with his lecture.

After weaving past tables and beds, she ended up in a narrow hallway with four doors. Hera told her which one he was in, but she didn't need that to know where he was. Her senses had already taken care of that. A Jedi Knight.

The door opened, and sitting on the bench was a tall man wearing green looked up at her. His eyes were covered with a medical bandage. This is Ezra's master.

"Are you Erica?" he asked. He sounds tired.

"Yes. And you're Kanan, right?"

"Yep, that's me."

She went over to the counter and started reading through a report that was left for her. "I want to thank you, for what you've done for Ezra."

There was a pause. "You're welcome. He's a good kid."

Reading through the document, she noticed that parts of the report were incomplete. Turning around, she leaned against the counter. "What have the medics done for you since the injury? The report they gave me is incomplete."

"Cleaning, anti-infection, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. At least that's what they've told me."

"That's good." She looked back down at the report. "It says in here that you had a serious infection about a week ago, but you've pretty much recovered from it. Before I decide anything I want to look at the injury and see how severe it is. Is that okay?"

He nodded and started to take off the bandage, while she turned and put on some latex gloves. Facing him, she saw the injury.

On the bright side, it had started healing near the edges of the burn. But she knew the painful treatment that he needed.

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