Chapter One - The Bursts of Heat

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Ah. Raydonia. A little green planet in the Outer Rim. It was quiet and peaceful...until the Empire came.

"Three Credits," grumbles Ralgadorr, and I snap back into reality. And reality is at the market in the Capital City, as I try to make a deal with Ralgadorr Morra. He's an old Beslisk who cooks for Morra's Cafe. He's not all that friendly, but he'll talk to you if there's fresh meat involved.

"Three Credits for a Blase Tree Goat?" I say, crossing my arms. Great. Even though they aren't hard to come by, it's not like they're wandering out in the open. They just hang high in trees, doing absolutely nothing. This one that I shot a few hours ago was hanging several meters in the air. I climbed up the neighboring tree, perched on a branch, and shot an arrow at the stupid thing. All while trying not to fall to my death, and having a fear of heights doesn't help. I feel like my effort (probably) deserves more than three Credits.

"You can take it or leave it," Ralgadorr states firmly. The stubbornness is coming off in waves. I'd rather have more money, but it's better than nothing.

"It's a deal then," I say, pushing the Tree Goat towards him. He rummages in his pocket and hands me three Credits, and turns around to open the door to his trading booth. I shove the Credits into my pants pocket and start walking past the other trading booths up the street.

"Hey Willow! Wait up!" a familiar voice rings behind me. I turn around and smile. It's my friend, Jaina Soleman. I've known her for a few years. She runs up to me, her short brown hair flying behind her.

"How was the trip to Garel?" I ask when she catches up to me, panting.

"It went well, I guess. My parents were pretty happy with the way things went, and my mom got a promotion. Good for her," she sighed. Jaina's parents work for the Empire. They manage workers or something like that. "Stuff around here keeps getting worse, doesn't it?"

"No kidding," I say. A strong gust of wind comes by, whipping her hair and my blonde braid.

"Anyway, I remembered what was coming up in a few days and...well...if you need me I'm here, okay?"

I blink, remembering. "Right. Thank you." Her comm buzzes and her dad asks for her to come home.

"Okay, Dad. I'll see you tomorrow, Willow." 

"See you later," I reply. She turns and starts heading home.

I'd walk back with her, but her mom, um, doesn't like me. Jaina has talked to her about it before, so now she gives me fake smiles and short answers when I tried to talk to her. Her father has always been polite with me. There's no question who's personality Jaina inherited. Jaina doesn't know, but I hear whispers of that Raydonian girl and street rat from her mother. That stings more than it should. 

Fortunately, hiding pain is something I've grown used to.

I should get home. Looking at the sky, the sun is touching the horizon. Street crime starts the minute it goes dark outside. Getting jumped isn't fun from what I've heard.


Ezra got up from the bench and started pacing again. "Pacing's not gonna make him come out any faster, kid," Zeb said from the bench, where Ezra was sitting next to him. They were in the lounge, where the crew held meetings, played games, or just hung out. Kanan was supposed to come out of his medical examination several hours ago.

Ezra kept worrying. Was it worse than they thought? Was his brain fried?  He shook his head. If that was possible, then he would also still have his lightsaber. He looked down at his belt, still not used to the absence of the familiar weight. His lightsaber was sliced to pieces after dueling with the evil Sith Lord, Darth Vader.

He needed to make another lightsaber...but he didn't have the parts for it.

Ezra knew that he'd have to start collecting again and somehow get a kyber crystal.

Sabine walked into the room. "Still no news?" she asked.

"Nope. Just more waiting." Zeb said gruffly. She plopped down into a chair and stared at the ceiling. They were all waiting, trying to have hope when there was very little left.

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