Chapter Eighteen - The Brave Ones

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Powdery snow flies from my feet as I walk into the market. It's quieter than normal. Since winter has come around and the need for firewood is greater, more vendors are chopping down trees for lumber to sell. They do it in the morning and then sell later on in the day. Also, there are fewer customers but then again I am here earlier than usual. And fewer Stormtroopers, which will make things easier. I head straight to Jack's booth, where he's offering to fix broken devices and things like that. He mostly fixes chopping equipment because the ones that the Empire provides to the lumber workers break down often. Waiting behind a short Rodian woman with a broken holoprojector, I look around while they're discussing prices. A few Stormtroopers stand near the back wall, keeping an eye on us. Everyone else in here is either a vendor or customer. Perfect. Something shiny catches my eye in Jack's table. Brand new drives! Immediately my brain starts calculating how much money it would cost me. Luckily Jack doesn't have the personality of a salesman or else I'd waste half my money. The drives I have are beat up and older, but they work fine. I take care of them, so they'll last me for another couple of months. The woman leaves and I walk up to Jack. "Do you have any of your, special items?"

He gives me a strange look. "If I did, then why would you want one?"

"Reasons." He raises an eyebrow. "I need it to do one thing. I won't use it on anyone."

Jack sighs and looks over to the Stormtroopers who are bullying one of the vendors. He reaches down behind his booth and gives me something wrapped with a rag. "Stay out of trouble."

I thank him, put money down on the counter and leave before he can give me a discount.


Erica scraped at a stubborn piece of skin near Kanan's eye. He exhaled, not showing any signs of pain. He's tougher than most. They aren't as calm.

They had started the first stage of the procedure, which was the most painful. "The first one's the worst since you aren't used to the pain. The next couple of times won't be as bad."

Kanan gave a nod, grimacing. His eyes were closed. The bright florescent lights of the infirmary glared down at them as she worked.

"What was your master's name?"

"Kara Starfallen." She cut too deep and Kanan flinched. "Sorry."

"Are you and her still in contact?"

"She's um, she's not around anymore." She swallowed hard, with difficulty. "She's dead."

Kanan was quiet for a moment. "So is mine."

He was a Padawan during the Clone Wars. Order must have been awful. She looked at him for a moment. We're both in the same boat.

""What happened?" he asked.

"An Inquisitor found us." Erica wiped off the scalpel. "She bought me time to run." Inhaling sharply, she started again. "He hunted me for a while after that. I was running from world to world, trying to keep moving. After a few months, I got him off my trail." She remembered the fear, the hunger, the grief..."But he's gone now."

"How do you know?"

"Ezra told me. It was the Grand Inquisitor."

Kanan exhaled again, but Erica didn't think it was from the pain. "It'll get better, over time."

Erica paused. "Thank you."

It was quiet for the rest of the debridement.


I check my data pad when I walk in, making sure the code downloaded onto the drive. Today, I'll carry out the first steps of my plan. I need to get into the Imperial servers again. It's the only way to get her prisoner log. After my last attempt they'll be monitoring their systems closely, so I need to take a more careful approach. One slip up and they'll be breaking down my door tomorrow.

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