Chapter Seventeen - The Vision

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Erica gripped the vibrating control wheel as the cargo ship took off into the sky. To be safe, they left the Phantom with the Ghost. Both ships were recognizable to the Empire, according to Ezra. He was sitting next to her, checking the ship's shield diagnostic. Not that this bird has any. The ship rumbled in protest as the rebel base grew smaller and smaller behind them.

"I'm not sure I believe your friend when he said that this was a sturdy ship," Erica admitted, crossing her ankles.

"He sees the good in ships; even if they explode just as he compliments them," Ezra smirked.

Rolling her eyes, she replied, "That makes me feel so much better. Thank you for sharing that with me."

"I'm just kidding."

"Good. If you weren't then we'd be floating with the rest of the space junk."

Flying through the atmosphere, Erica punched in the hyperspace coordinates that Ezra had calculated. Sucked into hyperspace, the familiar blue lights flew past them.

"Well, it can make it past hyperspace," Ezra noted, slowly turning his chair back and forth.

"I'll trust it when it comes out of hyperspace." Erica looked over at the monitor. "We'll be there in a few."

"Have you ever been to the warehouse?"

"No, it wasn't around when I was still on Lothal."

Ezra shifted in his chair. "Speaking of Lothal...When we talked, all we talked about was what happened to me. Not you. All I know is you ended up in Jalath and someone trained you there."

Erica sighed. He was going to ask at some point.

Besides, he deserves to know.

Erica leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms."After I couldn't see you anymore, I managed to pull my leg free. There was an air vent next to me and I dove in there in time." The ship rumbled again, making her clench her teeth. "But the blast broke a pipeline in there and the chemicals burned my wrist." Erica's hand unconsciously went to her wrist.

"I was getting dizzy from the pain." This was where her memories became fuzzy. "I don't remember much, but I got out and I tried to wash the burn out with a water faucet I had found in a house or something. I collapsed in front of a supply ship in the outskirts of the city."

Ezra was quiet for a moment. "You were really hurt...did someone help you out?"

"Yes, the pilot of the ship did. His name is Sam Katsure." She felt a pang in her chest. "He was delivering food and medical supplies to the medcenter in Jalath, and he brought me there."

"Aren't there several medcenters in Jalath?"

"There are now; that one isn't there anymore." Erica's focus went to her lap. "One of the owners took care of me. Her name was Kara Starfallen." She exhaled. "The treatment that I needed was a debridement. We had to go through a couple of sessions."

"The one you had done years ago."

She looked at her brother. "I'll try to minimize the pain as much as I can, but he'll still feel pain. I wish there was more I could do, but there isn't."

"He'll be okay. I trust you." The ship came out of hyperspace, and the familiar planet came into view. "Home sweet home." Ezra pressed some buttons. "The ship's signature's masked."

"They won't stop us anyway. Cargo ships aren't inspected."

The ship headed toward the Imperial ships guarding the checkpoint.

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