Chapter Three - The Hard Times

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Erica watched as the small cargo ship came out of hyperspace and approached the planet of Garel. The pilot, Ereen, had been grumbling to another cargo pilot about the new destination. The comms system kept beeping on and off, filling the ship with a hoarse voice for over half an hour. Erica was frustrated. How was she supposed to get to Garel?  While Lothal was her home planet, there was nothing left for her to go back to. I can probably get on public transportation that's headed to Garel. At least I won't need an ID card this time.

She felt her vest pockets, trying to make sure everything was still there. A small drive that held all the information that she had been collecting for the past few years was safe and sound in her pocket. Erica was trained to be a medic, so she had some supplies such as bandages and pain medication. She wanted to stock up on supplies, but stealing wasn't something she liked doing. I'm a stowaway, not a thief.

She started fingering a scar on her right wrist. The scar covered her wrist, and the skin was uneven and disfigured. Eight years ago, she escaped an explosion by climbing into an air vent. But after she was inside, a hole in the vent started to leak fluid. Her right wrist was chemically burned years ago. All it left was a reminder. Kara said the scar would remain, but the pain wouldn't come back.

She felt a painful pang in her chest thinking of Kara. Kara was her Jedi master that trained Erica in the Force and medicine. She stayed safe for many years, running a clinic in the Lothal city of Kothal. But she died three years ago, by the Empire.

The old ship shuddered as it landed. They were in the Capital City, on one of the many landing grounds.

Here goes nothing.

The cargo door opened and rested on the concrete. It was early in the morning, about 0600 hours. The grassy fields of Lothal could be seen everywhere, surrounding the landing dock. There were only three other small cargo ships landed, but much more were on their way. It was time for her to leave. Ereen got up from her chair and walked past the pile of crates in the corner where Erica was hiding. She went up to one of the other pilots, grumbling again about the forced change of destination. Erica lifted her head from behind the crates and looked around. There were half a dozen Stormtroopers walking around, watching the pilots. To the north was the entrance to the city.

How am I supposed to get there without being caught by the Imperials?

Erica tapped her finger on the crate.

The large metal crate that held many boxes of medical supplies. That would easily fit someone her size.

She smiled.

Well, this is going to be fun.

~<-* ->~

Hera walked in, trying to keep a brave face. She knew that her crew needed a strong leader, once she delivered the news about Kanan. Ezra was the first to ask. He immediately stopped his pacing through the lounge to run to her. "How's Kanan? Is he going to be okay?"

Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper came over just as fast. Hera wondered how she supposed to tell them this.

She stared for a moment at the Stormtrooper heads that Sabine painted on the wall.

She finally stated, "Kanan's injury isn't fatal yet. The lightsaber hit him in the eyes, so both are severely damaged. The medics said that he's going to be blind."

That last sentence was extremely hard for Hera to get out, but she had to. It was the truth.

The crew was not surprised. A lightsaber to the eyes wouldn't leave you unscathed.

Sabine spoke up, filling the silence. "Hera, what do you mean by his injury isn't fatal yet?"

Hera felt her breath catch for a second. "After Kanan got injured and put on the helmet, a strain of bacteria was exposed to him. Now he has developed a rare infection that if left untreated will eventually...kill him."

If it was possible for a dark mood to get even darker, it was now possible after that piece of news.

Zeb looked up and asked, "Are there any medicines or treatments? Or at least something that we can do?"

Sabine piped up. "The only kind of medicine that can cure infections are antibiotics, and if Kanan's infection is that bad..."

"We're going to need military grade antibiotics," Hera added.

"And the only way to get military grade items fresh from the Empire is stealing," Ezra said, with an old gleam in his eye. "I'm in."

"I'm in too. For Kanan." Zeb said.

"Okay, since we're all in, where do we go?" Sabine inquired.

"We've gotten reports from rebel scouts stating that a shipment of medical supplies was delayed heading to Garel. A large number of Imperial Star Destroyers en route across the system was the cause of it. It's concerning, but Commander Sato is looking further into it. The cargo rerouted to Lothal today, in the Capitol City." Hera informed.

Ezra asked, "So we leave now?"

"Yes," stated Hera. "Let's go."

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