Chapter Six - The Plan

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Jaina is on the wet grass, laughing her head off.
"That was the cutest shriek I have ever heard." She chuckled, her eyes squeezed shut.

"You almost gave me another heart attack!"

"Pfff. Yeah right. I couldn't help myself. You were so focused. Your face was like this." Her eyebrows narrow and her mouth is set in a frown. So not what I looked like!

"I don't look that serious," I say rolling my eyes.

"Sure. Anyway, I have an idea." Her fingers tap her knees excitedly.

"Okay, so what- hang on a second."
I cock my head to the right and just look at her.

"You're supposed to be at the Academy today for something right? Like a speech or something? I forgot."

A sheepish look appears on her freckled face.

"I sent a message to the Academy posing as my parents, saying that I was projectile vomiting so I couldn't go to another great speech about the importance of the Empire."

I put my hand on my forehead and groan.
"What? You know you'd rather have me here."

I'm trying not to laugh. "Projectile vomiting?"

She shrugged. "It was the only thing I could think of at the moment. Besides, they were insisting that I stay home after hearing that."

I shake my head and ask, "Besides that, um, gross excuse, what's your idea?"

She says, "Since we've never exactly found out why your parents...died...I thought we could try again. But only if you were okay with it."

I sigh. "I do want to find out why it's just...I don't know. I don't want to hack in and have to see someone else in pain."

Jaina looks at me with a sad look on her face. "Look, that guy...I mean, he did escape."

I stroke the grass blades for a moment. Two years ago, Jaina and I hacked into the Imperial network through an old terminal. And yeah, I'm a hacker. My parents ran a business repairing droids. My dad was better with the mechanical aspect and my mom with the program and code. They taught me what they knew. One day, Imperials came to my house...and I never saw them alive after that.

"I'm glad he got out, but how? It doesn't make sense." I point out.

"He had friends. Maybe they got him out?" Jaina questioned.

"That's possible. But it's not like you can just get on and get someone off of a Star Destroyer."

"I know. I just hope he's okay. It was horrible what they did to him."

We both look down at the grass. I know we're both remembering.

The screams.

I shudder."Okay, you know what? I'm in. What's the plan?" I ask.

Jaina gets up from the ground and dusts off her tawny pants. "We can talk about that on the way back to my house. I haven't eaten and I'm really hungry. Have you eaten yet?"

I stand up, about to answer when my stomach grumbles loudly, begging for food. Now I notice the familiar achy feeling in my belly.

I look at my stomach."Thanks for answering. I was going hunting until you scared me and I'll just do it later."

Jaina rolls her eyes and ordered, "You're coming to my house and eating my food. No complaining!"

I've heard this too many times. I can depend on myself and it's hers. She doesn't have to waste it on me. "I can hunt later! It's your food."

Jaina, exasperated, grabs my arm and pulls me with her as she walks to the fence. "Which is meant to be eaten! Quit being so generous and let's go."

"Fine," I sighed as I stumble behind her. Once she has her mind on something, there's really no point in arguing. And I'm starving.

We get to the fence and Jaina starts climbing up the fence, carefully using the mesh as places to place her hands and feet one at a time. when she's close to the top she speaks. "We go back to the same security terminal. Since no one's used it in years, it should still be safe to use." Already problems with that plan.

"One problem. We still don't know if the Empire noticed me in the system." I reply. She's finally reached the top of the fence, then she jumps down on the smelly trash bin. I start climbing up after her, much faster. I like climbing.

"True, but they didn't come after us. It could have slipped past them." Jaina states after she's on the cool ground, staring up at me, rubbing her arms.

"Maybe. But I don't see anything slipping past the Empire without them knowing." I'm on the top of the fence, and I jump off, landing in front of Jaina. She looks surprised.

"You're superhuman, Willow."

"It's a gift."

"Are you cold? I'm freezing." In the gray jacket she's wearing, you'd think she'd be warm. It's really pretty, woven and hooded.

"Maybe my superhuman abilities include invincibility to temperatures."

"That sweater can't keep you warm. Your shoulders aren't covered and your straps are showing!"

I shrug. "Maybe my warm personality keeps me toasty."

She chuckles and we start walking through the alley. It feels cold on my skin, but I'm warm. The sun has finally risen, so the alley is now partly illuminated with golden rays of light. Trash now visible moves around in the wind.

"Anyway, they didn't come after us." Jaina continues, breaking the silence.

"True, but still..." I bite the inside of my cheek and taste blood. I used to do it just when I was nervous, but now it's a habit I can't break.

"Willow, if you want to ever find out about what happened, this might be your only chance." Jaina acknowledged, making eye contact with me.

"At what cost? Some things are better left alone."

"You deserve to know why. You're their daughter."

That's true, I guess. But I don't want Jaina or I to get caught. I can't lose someone else. I already lost a family.

We walk in silence for the rest of the way to Jaina's house.

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