My Baby-Faced Wife (Chapter 32)

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My Baby-faced Wife (Chapter 32)

Luna's POV


I cried silently, Daniel is no where in sight. He just left me here. I search through my bag for my phone. I take it out and call for Eva.

'Hello?' She answered.

"Eva! It's me, Luna" I said.

'Hey! What's wrong?' She ask.

"I'm at the park! My ankle and wrist is dislocated! I need your help!" I said, crying.

'Okay! Okay! I'll be there in five' She said.

"Okay! Thanks!" I said, she hang up.

I waited for Eva to come. A car stop infront of me. Eva came out. "Eva!" I said. She came to me and help me up.

"What happened to you?" She ask.

"Wild duck chase" I said. She laugh at me.

"Come on" She help me into the car. She drive to the clinic.

"My husband is here" I said to her.

"What? Really? Where is he?" She ask.

"We had a small fight and he left me there!" I said, starting to cry.

"That's normal! Don't cry!" She said.

After we're done at the clinic, we went back to the apartment. I look at my bandaged wrist and ankle. The doctor said it's only a small injury. So, I can take it off in two weeks. When we arrive at the apartment, we see Daniel waiting at the door. I'm gonna ignore him. I'm still upset. Eva glance at me and back to Daniel.

"He's hot!" She said. I roll my eyes.

"Oh! Come on! Don't be so upset!" She said, helping me out.

"He has some sucking up to do!" I said.

"Come on!" She help me to the door. Daniel has an apologetic look on his face. I look away, not wanting to see his face. I feel the tears rim my eyes. He left me there! What do you expect me to do? Eva open the door and help me enter. She bring me to my room and lay me down on the bed. She went out. I heard them talking outside, but I can't hear their conversation. I look out the window. Just staring at the clouds.

The door open and close. I feel the bed dip a little, meaning someone is sitting beside me. Daniel. He sigh and lay down next to me. I feel him hugging my waist.

"I'm sorry" He apologized. I just stayed silent. I don't want him to see me right now. The tears pour slowly.

"Luna, look at me" I shake my head, no.

"Come here" He twist my body. He see the tears and sigh. He wipe the tears away. He kiss my forehead.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He said, kissing my cheek. He take my hand and kiss my wrist, then he kiss my ankle. I smile at him. He smile back at me. He lay down next to me. He hug my shoulders and waist. He look down at me, and I look up at him. We stare at each other, before he put his lips on mine. The kiss is just a soft and passionate kiss. He kiss my neck. I laugh.

"Don't! It tickles!" I said. He give me a soft peck. A question pop into my mind.

"Does the kiss means anything?" I ask.

"It does. It's an apology kiss" He said.

"What about all of the kisses before?" I ask. A thinking look came on his face. Please say the words that I want to hear.

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