My Baby-Faced Wife (Chapter 15)

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My Baby-faced Wife (Chapter 15)

Daniel's POV


I watch as Luna drifted to sleep. Her head is lolling side to side. I sigh, this girl is cute. My thoughts drifted to Sarah and Brody. Wow! They're together now. I hate that guy. We were enemies since high school, fighting for that one person that we both love, Sarah.

The three of us were friends in high school. I was a shut in when in elemantary school, but Sarah was the one who became my first friend in middle school. The three of us were very good friends, Brody and me are always protective of Sarah. One day when we both figure out that we both love Sarah, that is when the competition begin. But then Sarah chose Brody, and then I stop any contacts with them. But then Sarah said that she doesn't want to lose me, and she loves the both of us, so we decided to stay friends.

But then we caught, Brody cheating on her. So they broke up, I was happy and sad at the same time, happy because I have a chance of winning Sarah back, sad because I hate whenever Sarah is upset. Let's just say that Brody went home with a busted lip and a black eye. Sarah decided to give me a chance and well, we were happy. And then the arrange marriage happen. My dad threaten to take Sarah away if I didn't cooperate. I had no choice but to say yes.

I am shaken out of my thoughts when a head landed on my shoulder, Luna's head. I sigh. I put my arm around her shoulders. I touch her arm, feeling that her skin is cold, I gently take off my coat and put it on her. Stupid girl! She should have brought her jacket. She sneak her arm on my waist and squeeze me. Don't want to admit it but, this position is comfortable. I rest my head on hers. I look at the time '11.00'. We arrive a few minutes later. I gently carry her bridal style and enter the house. I see Nancy, I call her name.

"Yes, sir"

"Come with me" She follow me to my room. I gently lay Luna down.

"Change her clothes" I ordered her. She nods and did as she's told. I walk out of the room and straight to the kitchen. I take a mug from one of the cupboards and pour some coffee in it, I'm planning on not sleeping tonight, gotta do some paperwork. I went back to the room. When I entered, Nancy is finishing her work.

"You may go. Thank you Nancy" She smile and nod, she slowly walk out of the room. I went inside of the closet and change to my black pajama pants with no shirt. I went to sit on the red couch. I take my briefcase and take out the paperwork. I sip some of my coffee and start working.

After four hours, my work is done. Uggh! My back hurts. I stand up and stretch, making my back make a sickening crack. I sigh, that feels good. I roll my neck, making it crack. I sigh, stretching my body here and there.

I slowly walk to the bed, Luna is sleeping soundly. I slid in beside her. She snores softly. I take the tv remote and switch the tv on. I slow the volume down, so that it doesn't wake her up. I lean on the head board. Suddenly, Luna's arms and legs wrap around me. I sigh, again! She squeeze me and put her head on my chest. I tried pushing her away, but she had an iron grip on me. I grip her arms and push her off the bed, making a loud thump. I sigh, relief. Finally! I didn't want her to sleep with me on the bed actually. I look down, seeing her sleep on the floor, I felt a pang of guilt. I groan and took a spare blanket and put it on her.

I watch the tv untill morning. I heard a groan and look down, to see her waking up. I pretend to sleep.


Luna's POV


I groan and wake up. Why is the bed so hard. It was soft yesterday, my back hurts. I sit up and realize that I was on the floor. I look on the bed to see Daniel fast asleep. I crept onto the bed and lay beside him. I just stare at him, he looks so peaceful. I suddenly have the urge to touch his face, so I did. I reach out my hand and lightly touch his face, eyes, nose, lips, eyebrows and chin. I lean out and kiss his cheek. I mentally squeal. Yay! I finally did it! I wanted to do that for a long time! I got up and run straight to the bathroom, blushing madly. I strip out of my clothes and shower.


Daniel's POV


Did she just..?! I touch my cheeks, I can still feel the tingles from her lips. How dare she?! Kissing me without my permission. Only Sarah can do that!! But I kinda like the tingles, it has a warm feeling in it. What am I saying?!?! I love Sarah! I love Sarah! I love Sarah! I sigh. The way she touch my face just now, kinda feels nice. I heard the bathroom door click open, I pretend to go back to sleep. She went into the closet, but she didn't close the door. I smirk, might as well enjoy it while it last. She look at me, but I close my eyes fast. Phew! She let go of her towel and wow! Isn't her body fine! She has a small figure, but curves in all the right places. This is my second time seeing her like this. She put on her undergarments and clothes. She glance at me and this time I didn't close my eyes. I just smirk at her and wink. She froze, with her mouth wide open. She close the door, slowly. And then I heard a loud...

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Oh damn! She can scream. I laugh out loud. Man! That was funny as s**t! She went out of the closet, blushing. It's so easy to make her blush.

"Why did you look at me, while I was changing?!?!" She shout at me, putting her hands on her hips. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"It's your own fault, that you didn't close the door" I said.

You could of... I don't know... Say something!"

"I didn't wanna! I was having a nice and free show! So why would I interrupt you?" I ask. She gape at me.

"Uggh! I feel so molested!!!!" She scream and run out of the room, blushing again. I laugh. Oh man! What am I gonna do with you my baby-faced wife?





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