My Baby-Faced Wife (Chapter 2)

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My Baby-faced Wife (Chapter 2)

Luna's POV


The next day I woke up and check the time on my iphone. '7:30'. I lazily got up and go to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. After I'm done I went to my room and put on my glasses that i put on my side table. I look around my room to search for my kittens and found them in my wadrobe, sleeping. That is their favourite place. I put on my red pajama pants.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and found my mom cooking... 'mmm pancakes'. My dad is sitting at the table reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee in his hand. I said good morning to the both of them. I got a reply of good mornings. I go to my mom and kiss her cheek and said 'I love you' and did the same to my dad. I sat beside him.

"Did you find out about the marriage yet?" My dad ask me.

I just nod my head not looking at him while i pour milk in my glass.

"Oh okay then"

I drink my milk. Suddenly a question pop into my head.

"Oh yeah dad, why did you suddenly arranged a marriage for me?"

"It is not an arranged marriage it i-"

"Yeah yeah whatever, so why?"

"Because Mr. Colton is my best friend and he has done a lot for our family. He is interested in making you the wife for his son and he asked me if i accept the proposal and I agreed but we need your decision first"

Oh! I nearly jump out of my seat when my mother accidentally slam the plate of pancakes in front of me. I feel my heart jump.

"OH MY GOD!" I shout while putting a hand on my chest.

"Sorry dear, I nearly trip" My mom said apologetically.

I close my eyes while I took deep breaths to calm my racing heart. I open my eyes to see my mom with an apologetic look. I glance at my dad for a moment to see that he was trying to hold back his laughter. I look at my mom back and replied,

"Its okay mom. Just be careful next time"

She just nod her head and went back to cooking. Suddenly my dad is laughing like a mad man. I knew he was laughing about what happened a few seconds ago. I just glared at him while my mother slap his arm playfully. He look at me while he was still laughing and when he saw the glare I got, he shut up straight away. When i look away to start eating breakfast I heard my dad's burst out laughing again and this time I join in the laugh when I think back about the incident. I glance at my mom to see that she is shaking her head while smiling brightly, but not looking at us. After the laughter died down I resume eating. After eating I wash my plate. I look at my dad.

"Dad are you going to work today" I ask him. My dad is a doctor who works at a nearby hospital.

" No,I got the day off.What about you? Are you working today?"

"No I got the week off" I work at a cafe, I didn't want to continue studying so I search for a job straight away. There's a reason why I didn't continue studying.

"Oh okay then, later at twelve thirty can you go pick up your brother at the airport?"

"Sure!" I answered excitedly.

"Yay!" I shout while twirling around in the kitchen. It started to get dizzy so I stopped for a while to regain my balance and I started to run out of the kitchen but accidentally smack into the wall beside the kitchen door. I fall flat on my back while I was to shock to move. Ow!

Both of my parents burst out laughing while i was still to shock to move. My parent was laughing so hard that tears when out of their eyes.

"Ow ow my stomach it hurts. Ahaha, serves you right" My mom said in between her laughs. My dad just nod his head agreeing with my mom. I blushed furiously. I groan.



Someone ring the doorbell. I got up and glance at my parents who is now calming down.

I open the door to see my brother. He is wearing a white t-shirt, light blue jeans, black boots and shades

My jaw dropped, I was shocked to see him     






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