Chapter 8 the Mermaid Couple visits

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Life after that seemed pretty staright-forward. I had to go on some maternity leave at work, Ryan stayed with me, and my friends would drop by my penthouse every now and then.

Today, Araceli and Nathan dropped by to visit. Man, they've been doing great since the last time I saw them. They looked like the picture perfect couple. They both had this mysterious mermaid quality to them I just can't really understand.

In fact, they looked like they were the Heirs to the Throne of Atlantis or something.

"Wendy!" Araceli greeted me and kissed my cheek. "It's so good to see you!"

And it's so good to hear her deep lovely voice.

"Hey," I said, smiling, trying to match her seductive liquidy alto voice to Holly's ditsy falsetto.

"How've you been?" Nathan grinned happily.

"I've... I've been good," I lied. "Umm... please sit, haha?"

The power couple sat, and it was as if the room vibrated in glory from their very being.

"So," I said, trying to make small talk. "How have YOU guys been?"

Adrian put his arm around Araceli's waist and smiled lovingly at her.

"Did you know this chick can swim???!!" he said happily.

"you swim? Are you good?"" Ryan asked Araceli, who blushed and said "I'm alright."

"Are you kidding?!" Adrian held her close. "This girl's AMAZING! She beat me at my 100 Free!"

"Really?" I asked. She nodded slowly and said, "well I only beat him by .69 seconds."

"69," I heard Ryan chuckle. I nudged him in the ribs and looked back at the beautiful couple.

"Well I'm glad to hear that," I said to them. "Um... I have to tell you guys something. It might not come out easy.."

Nathan and Araceli inclined their heads inquiringly.

"Yes?" she asked gracefully, her diamond stud earrings catching the light.

I took a deep breath. Then I came out with it.

"I'm pregnant."

I let the silence sink in. For a second, I thought Nathan was gonna faint. But instead, he nearly jumped out of his seat.

"OH MY GOD!!!" he cried joyfully. "Congrats, guys!!!"

Araceli clapped her hands over her mouth and almost burst into tears. I was already in tears, so she just embraced me and held me in her golden tanned arms.

"Oh Wendy!" she cried, smoothing my back. "This is wonderful!!!"

"And I'm guessing YOU'RE the father?" Nathan asked Ryan sarcastically in a funny way.

"Yup," Ryan grinned.

"You guys are PARENTS!" Araceli beamed at me, her face a golden glow and her lips a pearly pink.

"I knew you didn't use that condom we gave you in London," Nathan Adrian smirked at Ryan. "You are a naughty man, Mr. Lochte!"

"And that stain on the nightgown," Araceli said coyly. "I'm not forgiving you for that. You owe me a new Victoria Secret silk lingerie."

I laughed and hugged her some more, her dark waves blowing in the fan's man-made wind.

"Quit hogging her,Wendy," Adrian laughed. "She's mine."

I let go of Araceli and she leaned into Nathan and the two held hands.

"Oh!" Ryan almost shouted in surprise. "I forgot to tell you... make sure NO ONE on the Swim Team USA finds out! I want it to be a surprise for them at the reunion banquet!"

"Reunion banquet?" I snorted.

"Yup," he answered. "This Thursday! And WE are gonna be there!"

"This Thursday?" I furrowed my brows. "That's my ultra-sound appointment."

"Oh," Ryan answered. HIs face fell and he seemed contradicted about something. "Oh okay.."

"Oh you can go to your banquet," I said. "I'll stay here."

"No," Ryan said, "I want to go with you. Hmm... Adrian what time's the banquet??"

"8 PM," Nathan answered  dutifully.

"And what time's your appointment?" Araceli asked me.

"10 AM," I said.

"We'll make it," Ryan said, nodding. "Where's it at?"

"The White House," Nathan said.



"Great," Ryan smiled. "We'll be there." Then he held my hand. He was gonna be a darn good father if you ask me.

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