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The present......

Siya's phone rang, pulling her from the depths of her thoughts back to her bedroom. She was there, her pillow clutched in her hand, just woken from some minutes of her thought process, what felt like hours. Siya had just relived all the memories of past few months. It was a long time since Siya had thought about her past. She often avoided dwelling in the past. The memories were something she wanted to stay away from. Memories are special, sometimes we laugh remembering the days we cried, sometimes we cry remembering the days we laughed.

Siya's thoughts had brought her to an incident, where she had done something that the old Siya would never have done. The day when Sameer had asked her to choose between him and Varun, Siya had chosen herself. She chose to walk away without a word of explanation. Siya herself did not have an explanation for her actions. Her subconscious mind had put her up with it, and she never regretted. But, after going over through the memories, Siya had understood everything. She valued her self respect more than anyone else's feelings.

Siya had been a child once, everyone is. At some point of life, the immaturity of a child has to be replaced by the maturity of an adult. That's the point one truly grows up. The contrast between the present Siya and the Siya an year ago, was something that could get her imagine how much she had changed over time. The memories of her past had paved way for a new question in Siya's mind...... whatever had been towards the guys, whatever she felt....' was it love............. '


A/N : I really hope this was worth a read. Please let me know even if you haven't liked it. Comments can always help to improve. Also suggest if I should write more stories.

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