Chapter 10

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Siya was the happiest person on Earth with Karan beside her. Karan was the most beautiful memory of her life, which was going to remain just a memory forever......... Soon it was growing dark and both Siya and Karan knew it was time to leave. Karan gave a light peck on Siya's lips before bidding her goodbye. Siya was literally smiling to herself the whole while after that.

The coming two months were going to bring something that Siya had never thought, rather had never wished for. Her life had changed with Karan coming into it and soon it was going to change with Karan leaving......

The vacations were to end soon.  Siya didn't want to stay away from Karan, nor did Karan like the distance. Both knew they wouldn't get much time together. But they didn't know that this lack of time for each other would have them pay their love.....

Their meets reduced and so did their chats. Siya felt that Karan was slowly losing interest in her. They got busy with their studies. Karan got new friends and had changed a lot over the time. Siya too had new friends but, missed Kiran and Avni very much. She wished she could always be a child and never grow up, for childhood is the sweetest memory of everyone's life.

Days passed and Siya engaged herself into studies to avoid the loneliness felt by not being able to talk to Karan. Siya had never expected that Karan would change so much, but it was what it was and she had no choice but to accept the fact. Siya would sometimes think of the sweet moments spent with Karan, unaware of the fact that soon those memories would become bitter.....

Siya got the shock of her life when out of nowhere Karan messaged her something she had never imagined.
' Hey I'm sorry but I cannot be with you anymore.... please don't try to contact me...... we're over.. '
Tears rolled down her cheeks when Siya read those words. She was unable to understand what had gone wrong. She tried talking to Karan, but he simply didn't want to talk to her. " How could he do that.....and why the hell was he doing that... " Siya was filled with questions.

Siya cried herself to sleep the night she received Karan's message. She was broken emotionally, but did not want anyone to know about that. She preferred keeping her pain to herself. But how long could Siya be able to hide her sorrow. With every passing day, she was hurting herself more, not physically, but emotionally by rethinking about Karan.......

Siya tried to be as normal as possible in front of her friends showing nothing had happened. But she finally broke down when Kiran and Avni asked her about Karan. She could no longer hold it to herself. She hugged Kiran, tears streaming down her face. "Hey what's wrong..... Siya is everything fine... What happened... " Avni was worried. That hug, that comfort was all Siya had needed since the past few days. She narrated the whole incident to them. Both tried to calm her. They tried to erase Karan from her mind, but no matter how hard they tried, Siya was not ready to move on. She just wanted to have him back into her life. And no power could change her mind unless Siya decided for herself to leave it behind.

This was the beginning of a new chapter in Siya's life. Many things were going to change........ Siya's personality was going to change..... But for that to happen, a reason was required.... And knowingly or unknowingly, Karan was going to be that reason.......


A/N : Hope you're like the story...... please vote and comment to let me know... 😊

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