Epilogue part II.*

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The rest of the week before Christmas holidays proceeds just fine, not without a little bit of chaos, but still fine. Mia, as usual, makes me struggle to prepare her luggage; one for the clothes and another one for her toys, as every other year. Once we finally manage to get on the flight for New York both me and Harry breathe a sigh of relief.

"Santa Clause is coming to town, Dylan!" Mia screams at her brother with excitement. The positive sides of owning a jet are that you don't have to worry about who your kids are going to bother with their loudness. "I'm so excited!"

"Calm down, honey..." I tell her, feeling immediately nervous as she starts jumping around.

"Are we going to see the tree as every other year?" Mia asks us once she finally calms down and gets back to her place.

"Of course!" Harry tells her with a smile. She's talking about the Rockefeller tree. Since she's born we've spent every single Christmas in New York and every single year we go see the tree and the lights around New York.

"Andres too?" Dylan asks us, probably wanting to know if he's going to be there this Christmas.

"Yeah, honey... he's coming with his mom in the next days!" I tell him, stroking his head. He quickly relaxes against my chest again and slowly closes his eyes, probably wanting to rest.

"Daddy, do you think Santa is going to bring me everything I've asked for?" Mia asks her father once she goes to sit on his lap. Harry quickly wraps his arms around her waist and she rests her head against his chest.

"Well, Mia... I don't think Santa can actually bring you a real life unicorn, baby..." she furrows her eyebrows and looks up at him with confusion.

"How do you know?" I chuckle, looking up at Harry to see what excuse he's going to come up with now. "Did you read my letter? Daddy, it was supposed to be for Santa!" She whines and crosses her arms over her chest with a pout on her lips.

"No, yeah... I mean, of course I gave it to Santa... he told me to tell you that it's a bit hard to find a unicorn..." Harry quickly says, panicking a little, at first.

"Why?" Mia asks. Once she listens to her father's explanation of the letter her expression quickly softens.

"Because they have to live on a rainbow, so they would suffer trapped in your room..." Harry says and I chuckle once again at his explanation.

"Then I want a rainbow and a unicorn!" Mia quickly says and I burst into laughter, while Harry finds it less amusing. It's hard to fool her.

"You can't get a rainbow from the sky, honey, I'm sorry..." Harry tells her stroking her head. Mia sighs and finally gives up on her unicorn once and for all.

"Dad, did Andres write Santa a letter too?" Mia asks Harry.

"Yeah, of course... all kids do!" Harry slowly nods her head and she furrows her eyebrows, probably thinking about something else.

"Dad, why do you have a kid with another woman?" Mia asks right after leaving both me and Harry quite shocked. She's known Andres her whole life so she's never asked too many questions, until now. Growing up she must've realized for sure the different situation with Andres but she had never shown it until now.

"Because... for a period, before I got back with mommy, I was with Cielo..." Harry tells her, without going too much into details. She furrows her eyebrows and looks at him even more confused than before.

"You were married to her?" Harry immediately shakes his head at her question.

"No, we just had a very brief relationship and that's how Andres was born," Harry tells her, stroking her head, probably wanting nothing else than for her to relax.

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