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"What was that?!" Aaron asks us, as soon as we're out of the interrogation room, raising his voice at us. I furrow my eyebrows, not fully believing that he's even asking a motivation for what we've done. He's listened to it all, there was no way we would've stayed there just listening to him.

"Have you heard what he said?!" I raise my voice back.

"Yeah, I have!" Aaron nods his head and gives me a severe look. "You played his game. You let him inside of your head." I immediately sigh at his words. I know the rules, but sometimes it's not that easy sticking to them.

"You're telling me you would've just ignored him?" I say, chuckling at myself.

"Yes, that's exactly what I would've done. You are never supposed to show them your weakness and inside of that room, that's exactly what you have both done." He keeps scolding us and, at his words, I immediately understand his point. He's definitely right and I know it well, I just can't seem to resist my own rage. "That's how you put in danger who you love with a job like ours." I sigh, lowering my head, to hide from him the mortified look on my face. Wes does too, he's been feeling regretful since he's left that room. "Now you can both go home for the day." I chuckle with bitterness again, knowing damn well that it's a punishment for what has just happened, but none of us try to protest. Probably because we want to go back home too, or that's my case for sure.

I don't waste any time and I go straight back home. Even if I shouldn't be worried my heart doesn't stop beating in my chest until I have her again in front of my eyes. She's on my bed, peacefully sleeping, with the sheets intertwined between her long legs. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see she's safe and sound. I lay down behind her, wrapping my arm around her waist and drowning my face into her hair, desiring nothing more than being swept up by her smell and just feeling her near to me.

When I feel her getting agitated between my arms, I quickly open my eyes and I realize that I've fallen asleep with her too. When she turns her head toward me, she quickly calms down, realizing that it's just me. She gives me a surprise look and her first instinct is to check the time to see if she's slept until late at night or if I'm really back this early.

"What are you doing here?" She asks with a pleased smile on her beautiful face while she looks at me.

"We closed the case so your father sent us home earlier..." I shrug my shoulders. I won't tell her what happened, it would just end up traumatizing her more and she doesn't need that too. She already barely sleeps at night for God knows whatever reason. I look at her, without saying anything at all. It's incredible how much time it has passed and yet my feelings have not changed at all, they've only grown immensely. Some years ago, in front of a situation like that, I would've ran away. I would've ran away to keep her safe, but honestly I can't imagine a life without her anymore.

"What?" She asks me and lets out a little chuckle, probably for the way I'm looking at her right now. I bring my hand on her cheek and just keep it there.

"I love you." I tell her. She slightly parts her lips at my words. I hadn't told her in 4 long years, but after today I needed desperately to tell her this. "I know you probably will say that I need to stop rushing into things but I can't go on one more day without letting you know that it's how I feel about you." I rest my forehead against her and our lips brushes. "I need to walk out of that door knowing that you always know how much I love you. I want you to know, always."

"Are you terminally ill or something?" She jokes, still hiding with difficulties the emotion in her clear eyes that are quite sparkly now. I chuckle and slowly shake my head.

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