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When the doorbell rings, I walk toward the door to open it, after getting my bag. I have been up for a couple of hours now, and I had immediately gotten ready for the day. Harry hasn't told me where he wants to go, but considering that Andres will be with us too, I opted for a casual sundress with a straight neckline and thin strips, with a pair of black converse.

When I open the door, I immediately smile when I see Andres. His eyes immediately light up when he sees me and he opens his arms toward me. I get down on my knees to hug him and before letting me go, he kisses my cheek, producing a sonorous "mwah" sound.

"Hello, honey!" I tell him, getting back on my feet and grabbing his hand. Harry is not too far behind us and when I get near enough he smiles and leaves a kiss on my cheek too.

"Good morning, angel." He tells me and I feel my knees getting all jelly.

"I'm so happy you're spending the weekend with us!" Andres screams excited, while we walk toward Harry's car. He jumps and agitates his free hand, unable to stay put, while we walk. He just wants to show his excitement in any way he can.

"I'm very excited too!" I try to match the excitement in his tone of voice and Harry giggles. I help him get into the car and then I get to my seat, next to Harry.

"So what is the plan for today, man?" Harry asks, briefly turning toward his son, before starting the car. Obviously, he's got the power in his hands.

"Shake Shack and then laser tag!" He screams, way too over excited already. Well, with a plan like that, I get his excitement.

"Sounds good!" Harry tells him, starting the car and driving toward the highway, to probably toward the DC area.

"Do you always let him do whatever he wants?" I chuckle, picturing in my head already Harry that tries to satisfy all of his son's desire. Even for me, he's always tried to do the impossible, so there's not even a doubt in my mind that he'll try even harder for his son.

"I see him two days a week so I try to make him happy when he's with me..." he shrugs his shoulders and turns toward me to smile at me for a second, before moving his eyes back on the road.

"That's nice..." I admit. "I've always been the best at laser tag, by the way." Harry chuckles at my words.

"Can you be on the team with me, Scar?" Andres asks me right away.

"Of course..." I turn behind toward him, offering my hand for him to high-five and he does. "We're gonna destroy your daddy!" I tell him and his eyes immediately light up, before nodding his head in determination, while Harry just chuckles.

Once we get to shake shack, we get our burgers and we sit at a table, Andres next to me and Harry in front of us.

"So you manage to eat all of that on your own?" I ask Andres, pointing at his burgers and fries, faking my best-surprised face, while he proudly nods his head.

"Yes, I'm a big guy!" He smiles at me and then he gives his burger the first bite.

"With a big appetite, right?" I chuckle and he immediately nods his head, with his mouth still full.

"So how was school yesterday?" Harry asks him and Andres waits to swallow his food before answering.

"Boring..." he shrugs his shoulders and pouts just at the thought of it, making both me and Harry laugh at him. "Katie keeps bothering me." He rolls his eyes.

"You shouldn't be so rude to her, monkey." Harry scolds him and Andres furrows his eyebrows, looking at his father quite offended.

"She's annoying!" He justifies himself. "I don't want to be friend with her."

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