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I just wanted to say that the plot of the fic I'm going to start once that I'm done with Remission is up, it's called Trapped, and I thought that maybe you'd be interested in checking it out.

Without wasting any more time, I'll leave you to the chapter. Hope you like it!


When I had been taken to the hospital, I had expressly told Aaron not to call Scarlett. After all, I was fine and I would've gone back home in a matter of hours.

When I had seen her rushing to my room, with her cheeks flushed and with concern and fear filling up her puffy eyes, I knew something hadn't gone according to the plan.

I had held her against me, in my arms, to calm her down, and the moment after I had to be as quick as possible to take her between my arms again to keep her from falling to the floor, unconscious.

I had seen her eyes rolling at the back of her head and her hand slowly getting to her head and I had immediately understood that there was something wrong.

"We need a doctor!" I had screamed, and the nurse that was taking care of my wound, immediately rushes to her side, followed right after by a doctor coming from outside.

"She's pregnant..." I quickly had said, not worrying about Aaron by my side, who had looked at me with a quite surprised look.

"Get her on the bed!" The nurse had told me and I had quickly obeyed, letting her go from my arms only once that I had made her lay on it.

"I'm fine... I'm fine..." she had whispered all of sudden and all my fear and worry had slightly decreased, very quickly. She had opened her eyes right after and moved her stare around the room, gripping hard my arm to get up, but the doctor had been fast enough to stop her.

"It was probably a dropping of blood pressure but it's better if we make some investigation, just to be sure..." He had said and I had quickly nodded my head, leaving the room as the doctor had asked.

Aaron hadn't taken too long to ask me what was going on, so I had finally explained to him everything.

"I know what the doctors said but this time we know beforehand, we can prevent it..." I quickly say, before he can remind me of that.

"That's what you wanted to tell me today?" He just says, probably still trying to understand the whole situation and I just nod my head.

"I wanna take her to New York and be completely there for her, so..." I start saying and I think about the best way to tell him, in the meanwhile.

"You want to quit?" He precedes me.

"No!" I immediately say. "I mean, not forever... just until the baby is born." I shrug my shoulders. "Or maybe a little more... I'd like to be there for her or him during the first year of life." Aaron kindly smiles at me and slowly nods his head in understanding.

"I don't tell you this often, but I'm happy my daughter has a man like you in her life..." he just says, giving me a pat on the shoulder with a proud smile.

"Look how things have changed..." I joke and then let out a chuckle and he mirrors me.

"I wish you both the best of luck..." he says right after, before leaning in for a hug that is soon enough interrupted when we hear the door Scarlett's in getting open.

We turn toward it and Scarlett slowly comes out with a tired smile on, but with fewer concerns in her blue eyes.

"The baby is fine..." she tells us both, bringing her hand on her belly. I breathe a second sigh of relief at the news and I quickly rush to her side, just to get my lips on hers.

Remission [H.S. MATURE AU]Where stories live. Discover now