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I didn't know how to feel. In the last four years, I had hoped to see her again for a long time. I knew she was right back then, we both needed some time to grow up and mature, before we could ever think about a relationship and maybe I needed that more than anyone. I had put my life back on track. I have a stable job that I love doing now — with its ups and downs —, a son that I take care of and I've matured on a lot of things. For the first years, Cielo's pregnancy and my training for the FBI had kept my mind busy and once I joined the BAU my job was keeping her out of my mind. My path to the FBI had been long; I spent the first six months completing the exams I was missing, before dropping out, at the university because to apply to the academy you need any kind of degree and then I had spent a whole year at the academy, before joining the BAU.

I had thought a lot about contacting Scarlett, I only knew the things Aaron used to tell me about her, if I didn't google her now and then. I had found out about her boyfriend through Google. I felt hurt, at first, before remembering that she's allowed to live her life and be happy with someone else. After that, I felt scared. I felt scared of not having one last chance with her, because they have been together for 3 years already and it sounds like a very serious relationship. When I had met her, talked to her and then met him, every fear in my body was gone. She doesn't love him, she didn't even know how to describe him other than "lovely" after 3 years together. She had fallen in love with me so easily, in just a few months. I felt selfishly relieved to know that she hadn't found that kind of love. I think it's one in a lifetime and, on my part, I won't let the chance I have to go now that she's here.

When I knock on Cielo's door, she comes to open the door after a few seconds. She lets me in and closes the door behind me.

"Hey, Harry!" She tells me with a smile. I can tell that she's in a hurry, since she's practically tying up her hair while talking to me.

"You're late to work?" I giggle, looking at her wandering around her living room, probably looking for her shoes since she's bare feet. She manages to find them hidden behind Andres' toys spread around the whole floor.

"How did you notice it?!" She ironically says. Before I can add anything else, I hear little steps coming from the corridor and I immediately see my son's curly head running toward me with his arms wide open in my direction.

"Daddy!" He screams with excitement as soon as he sees me. I welcome him in my arms and then I lift him up. His small arms immediately wrap around my neck.

"Hello, champ!" I kiss his cheek and smile at him. "Are you excited to come for a little bit with me?" He nods his head with a big smile on his lips, before clapping his hands.

"Are you sure he can stay with you in the hotel?" Cielo asks.

"Of course! 100%." I nod my head and she smiles. She takes from the couch Andres' backpack with probably everything he'll need for the night.

"Dad, can I bring my console to the hotel?" Andres asks. He knows that his mother doesn't want him to play with it too much so he has to ask for permission to me too.

"Sure, honey!" I kiss his forehead and on his lips immediately appears a big smile, showing his dimple that is so similar to mine. I take his backpack from Cielo and then we leave the apartment together.

"You seem nervous..." I tell Cielo, while we walk down the stairs to our cars.

"We're working on a big case. My partner is undercover right now." I nod my head in understanding. Jobs that include undercover missions are always hard and take a lot of time. "I can't say anything more until we're done!" She winks at me. Once we reach my car, she peppers Andres' cheek with kisses and he giggles at her.

Remission [H.S. MATURE AU]Where stories live. Discover now