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The days had gone by very quickly, between boxes to pack and the last thing to fix for the moving and Thursday had arrived very soon. Harry had already brought a great part of the boxes there already and now it's finally the moment for him to show me the house he's been so secretive about.

We don't drive a lot, maybe even less than 10 minutes. When I ask Harry, he actually specifies that it's only 8 minutes. While he drives into the driveway, I immediately understand which one it is. It's absolutely big, at least two floors, it has a garden like he had said and it's absolutely beautiful. It's definitely bigger than what we need, but I know that Harry likes to go big all the time. When he parks his car, he stops for a second and looks at me with a proud smirk on.

"So? What do you think?" He asks me. My lips are still slightly parted while I look at the place that hopefully will be our house for a very, very long time.

"That you're completely out of your mind!" I giggle and he does too, slowly nodding his head. I get out of the car and starts moving my eyes around the garden.

"I've already talked to my designer for the pool... they're gonna start the work tomorrow." He tells me, pointing at the wider spot in the garden, to show me where it will be.

"That's good!" I tell him with a smile. Right after, I grab his hand and drag him toward the main door, feeling very excited about seeing the rest of the house.

"I know you said you want to furnish it yourself, but I told my designer to put at least the basics we need to live here until we've bought all the other stuff." I nod my head at his words. He's absolutely right or we couldn't even live here until then. At least now we have a bed we can sleep on.

The entry is very spacious and bright, with stairs that take you to the second floor. Only on the first floor there are so many rooms. The living room is huge, it will be definitely hard to furnish, but fun for sure.

"There are 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. There's also enough space for your studio, my office and a small gym." He tells me, as he guides me through each room. In the "gym room" there's already settled his punching bag. Having a gym in your own house has always been surreal to me and now I'm about to live in a house with 6 bedrooms and a fucking gym.

"You're completely crazy... this house is huge for us!" I chuckle, while we start getting upstairs, to see the second floor.

"No, there's enough space for me, you, Andres and..." he doesn't finish his sentence, stopping himself just in time, but I immediately understand what he wanted to say. It's quite obvious, even if he lowers his stare and pretends like he's never said anything at all.

"And the children I can't give birth to?" At my words, he sighs and immediately looks up at me. I try to quicken my step, to walk away, but he stops me by grabbing my wrist. I manage to push his hand away and I take advantage of it to run inside the first room I find. It's always a hard job keeping inside the tears when I think about it, but I didn't want to cry in front of him. He's quick enough to find me, but I keep facing the window in front of me, giving him my back. I stay focused on my breath to hold back my tears.

"There are so many ways to have a baby, without actually giving birth to it, you know?!" He raises his voice at me. I can tell that he's bothered and hurt by my attitude. "There are surrogate mothers, adoptions... why are you so against the idea of these possibilities?!" I turn toward him and I frown my eyebrows, glancing at him.

"Why do you keep bringing it up?!" I raise my voice too. "I'm fine with the idea of not being able to have kids, I've come to terms with it, but you keep reminding me every two seconds." I point my index against his chest while I talk and he furrows his eyebrows. "If you want a woman that can give you a child then I'm not the right one!"

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