The Weasley's

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Holiday vacation came and I was forced to spend most of my time with my mother. Draco and I didn't receive a single present this year, it was unexpected. I could tell he was upset. I had been thinking about that kiss we had shared. It wasn't my first one, but it felt a lot different from when I kissed Lukas. The kiss with Lukas felt more like a child's kiss. The one between Draco and I was passionate and made my lips tingle. I couldn't explain it, but I was beginning to think it was something more. I was probably being dramatic, and I needed to focus on more important matters.

"Isabella!" My mother shouted from down stairs. I immediately stood up and ran down the stairs. There, stood my mother wearing her usual all black clothing.

"Let's go, you are gonna watch." She laughed.

"Watch what?" I asked in confusion.

"Watch what you and Draco will be doing." She cackled before grabbing my hand and leading me outside. There, stood around five Death Eaters all quietly waiting for their orders.

"Let's go!" She cheered jumping up and down. I watched as the Death Eaters turned into black and grey clouds of smoke and shot through the air. They reminded me of evil ghost. This was close to apparating. Apparating was being able to teleport. Almost anyone can do it, you can test for the ability once you turn seventeen. Draco and I would try.

"Our turn!" My mother cheered grabbing me. I tried to call out no, but we were already in the air. I felt like I was being shoved down a long tube. We ended up in a field what seemed to be in the middle of nowhere.  Once my feet landed I turned to the side and threw up. I looked down to see I was standing in a large puddle. At least I thought it was a puddle it was night time so I couldn't see.

"Where are we?" I asked turning to her and wiping the saliva from my mouth. I needed a drink.

"You'll see, now I want you to hide in the grass and watch. Don't be seen. But manage to stay close." She ordered pointing her finger in my face. I nodded my head and pulled the cloak of my hood up to mask my face as I pushed all of my curls to one side so they were noticeable and not in my face. I followed behind my mother quietly until we came upon a small house. It was very cute and looked comfy compared to the large mansion I had lived in my entire life. My eyes widened as my mother shot up into the air in her shadowy form. I gasped, seeing a ring of Fire circle the small house trapping those inside its flames. The fire almost hit me, I screamed and moved away from it. I watched my mother land in the center of the fire spinning around and laughing.

"Merry Christmas." She mocked. She turned around and began to run in my direction as the fire opened up for her like a door.

"Run, Isabella!" She hissed causing me to turn on my heels and run away. I could hear someone chasing after us.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" My mother cheered running behind me. I almost stopped in my tracks. I took a sharp turn once I was back to the puddle I had landed in.

"You coming to get me? You coming to get me?" My mother cackled. Far behind me. I stopped and hid in the tall grass as I watched Ginny Weasley appear in only a bath robe.

"Harry?" She asked in fear as someone could be heard walking towards her. My eyes widened as Fenrir, the werewolf approached her. She took a few steps back in fear.

"Stupefy!" Harry casted running besides Ginny.  Fenrir  easily blocked his attack. Then flew into the sky. They spun around unaware of where he could be.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your mother?" A voice asked from behind me. I spun around to see Fenrir standing above me, threateningly with his eyebrow raised.

"I lost her." I shrugged.

"What did I miss?" My mother whispered walking up to the other side of me.  Harry and Ginny then began to shot random spells out at the grass. They shot everywhere besides where we were.

"Harry!" A man's voice called out in worry. I watched as Remus, Mr. Weasley, and a girl I didn't know run towards Harry and Ginny.

"Isabella, you can fly too. Try it and follow us." My mother smirked, before disappearing into her cloud of black smoke along with Fenrir. I moved my arm to the front of my body and turned it the other way. I immediately felt as if my body was being shoved down a rubber tube. I could hardly control this thing, as I shot through the air I could see, vividly my mother and Fenrir fly in through the house and lighting it on fire. I then followed my mother all the way back to the Malfoy Manor. Once I landed I fell to the ground exhausted. I was out of breath and felt disgusting.

"I'm so proud of you." My crazed mother chuckled picking me up from the ground and embracing me in a deadly hug. I almost passed out.

"I will inform the Dark Lord of your new ability. You may go play along with your little boyfriend." My mother winked before skipping away. As I was left outside of the Manor.

Isabella LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now