on why i bother

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some days 

(more like every day)

treatment is

a lot.

it means

physical therapy,

getting through school,

making time for

doctor's appointments

and therapists,

all when i would rather

curl up 

on the couch.

it's a juggling act

that takes more energy

than i feel i have.

but i do it.

i move onward

when there is no longer

an end or beginning

in sight.


it would be 

so much easier

to just give up.


there are people

in this world

that i love 

so deeply

and i know that

i cannot give them 

all that 

i have 

to offer

unless there is

a me 

to offer it.

the color orange,  and other things twisted by  chronic illnessΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα