Chapter 13- The truth shall set you free

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Jada sits up in her seat rubbing her lower back. Being five months pregnant has been kicking her ass lately. She's been more tired than usual too. She's been working from home for the past few days with Ray's help of course.
"Let me finish editing for you," Ray says looking over her shoulder.
"I'm almost done," she pouts.
"You said that thirty minutes ago. Take a break. I know that little munchkin is draining you," he chuckles while poking her bump. Jada gets up and lays on her bed feeling completely at ease.
"It feels nice not being at the office with six crazy guys constantly yelling," Jada says. "I have to go back soon though."
"If you ever need help you know my number," Ray says his eyes glued to the computer screen. "I mean it."

Jada and were Ray lounging on the couch channel surfing. A loud knock from the front door scared her. Ray raises his eyebrows wondering who it was.
"Are you expecting someone?" Ray asks.
"No," she replies while getting up to walk to the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me," Michael says from the other side. Jada opens the door allowing him to come inside.
"I wasn't expecting you to have company," he mumbles. "Hey, Ray."
"Hey. Do you guys want some alone time?"
"Depends on why he's here," Jada says examining Michael. He looks like he hasn't been sleeping much, and he just overall looks like a mess."
"Please? I just need to talk to you," he begs.
"Fine. I'll see you later Ray." Ray gets up grabbing his things leaving the two lovebirds alone.
"There's no way the baby is his right?" Michael asks.
"Michael..." Jada trails off.
"Answer me."
"I should've told you from the start. I don't know why I waited so long," she mutters while looking down at the ground. Michael feels his heart about to jump out of his chest. He watches Jada intently as she tries to speak.

"No, it's not Ray's or Trev's," she says. "It's yours." Michael feels his heart about to burst from happiness as he hugs Jada.
"I fucking knew it," he whispers in her ear. "I knew you were carrying a little Jones."
"How could you possibly know?" she asks.
"You looked at me when Lindsey asked about the dad," he answers. "I thought we promised to tell each other everything."
"I was scared okay?" She rubs her arm looking down at her wooden floor.
  "I thought you'd freak out and not want it," she says.
  "Solana, I talked about having kids with you before," Michael says. "Why would I freak out?"
"We talked about it when we were both single," she mentions. "Look, at this point, I don't care if we're together or not, I just want you to be in her life."
"Her?" Michael asks with a huge smile.
"Shit. I was gonna surprise everyone with cupcakes next weeks," Jada pouts. "Don't tell."
"I promise I won't. What's her name?"
"The cupcakes will tell you," she grins. "Oh, she kicked. Do you wanna feel?"

Michael gently places his hand on her bump and feels tiny kicks. Tears fall down his face, blurring his glasses.
"Hi baby," Michael whispers. "It's your dad. I can't wait until you're here so I can hold you and show you all the best video games in the world, though I might be a little biased, The Legend of Zelda is the greatest." He rubs the bump looking into Jada's eyes deeply.
"I love you," he says giving her a kiss.
"I love you too. Can we get something to eat? I'm starving," Jada grins.
"I'll get you girls whatever you want," he says happily.

Michael carries the boxes of cupcakes for Jada and places them in the kitchen where everyone was waiting. Ray snakes his arm around Jada's waist and waits for her to speak.
"Alright, so these cupcakes will tell you whether I'm having a boy or a girl and a clue to what their name is," Jada announces. She opens the boxes revealing different shades of pink topped with fondant flowers.
"Awww, it's a girl!" Mica squeals. "Congratulations!"
"You're naming her Lavender?" Michael asks.
"Well, Lavender is her middle name. Her first name is Tatiana," Jada responds. Michael bites back a smile while grabbing a cupcake.
"Hey, we have to get ready for Off Topic," Trevor says. Michael nods and he, Trev and Geoff hurry off.
"Lindsey, can I talk to you privately?" Jada asks.
"Sure. Conference room should free," Lindsey replies.

Today was the day that Jada would come clean. She and Lindsey walk to the conference room, closing the door and blinds behind them. Jada takes a seat rubbing her bump anxiously.
"You look nervous," Lindsey notices. "Is everything okay?"
"Everything isn't okay. This guilt has been eating me alive since I found out I was pregnant," Jada says looking at Lindsey. "Michael should've told you, but I'll do it for him."

"There's something that I need to get off my chest," Michael says while shifting the microphone. Trev watches intently while finishing his second cupcake.
"What is it, Michael?" Geoff asks.
"I haven't been entirely honest with anyone," he admits. "I think it's time for me to come clean, even if it means hurting people I care about." Geoff raises his eyebrows, aware of what Michael is going to say.
  "Are you sure you want to do this live?" he asks.
  "I'm so sure Geoff," Michael confirms.

   "Michael is the father of Tatiana," Jada confesses.
  "What? H-how?" Lindsey asks.
  "You know how," Jada says quietly.
  "You two had an affair?"
  "We did. For five months, then I ended it," Jada explains.
  "I had a feeling something was going on, but the baby being his... So Ray lied to cover it up."
  "Yeah, he did. Lindsey, I'm so sorry that I allowed this to happen. I understand if you hate me—"
  "I don't hate you," Lindsey interrupts.
  "You don't?"

   "I've been having an affair with Jada, and I got her pregnant. I fucked up big time, I know. I should've stopped hurting her and Lindsey when I had the chance," Michael says. "I knew when she came back, my feelings would erupt and I chose to bottle them in and ignore them instead of being honest with myself and telling my wife that I still loved Jada."
  "Oh Michael," Trevor says in shock.
  "Please don't send Jada any hate, she doesn't need that type of stress, just send it all to me," Michael advises.

   "I don't hate you. You were always true to your feelings, but Michael kept lying to me and himself. If he were just honest, you two could've been together by now," Lindsey explains. "Who am I to stand in the way of real love?"
  "You're not upset at all?" Jada questions.
  "In a way no. I knew Michael only got with me to try to get over you, but I was hoping that he'd learn to love me," she answers. "I wish you both the best." Lindsey gives her a small smile before leaving the conference room. That oddly went better than expected.

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