Chapter 12- Coverup

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   Jada tugs her black hoodie over her head. The pregnancy has been draining her recently, but she tries her best to stay awake. She lets a yawn escape her mouth again causing Trevor to look back at her.
  "You must be really tired," he says
  "I am," Jada answers.
  "Been getting enough sleep?"
  "Not really. Going through some stuff," she says. "Fuck, I need to pee again."
  "That's the third time within ten minutes," Gavin remarks.
  "I find it weird that you've been keeping track," she says while getting up.

   Jada walks back to the office, bumping into Michael. She instinctively holds her small bump after the collision with the lad.
  "Shit, sorry," he apologizes.
  "You're fine." Jada moves to continue to walk but the ginger grabs her arm.
  "Are you okay? I've noticed you've been more to yourself," Michael says with concern.
  "I'm good, I'm just—"
  "Going through some stuff. I want you to know you can talk to me," he says pulling her into a hug. "Geez, lay off the sweets for a while thicky."
  "Ha ha, very funny," she says dryly.

   Jada had gathered almost everyone at work to tell them the news. She's playing with her ring nervously while she tried to think of something to say. This shouldn't that hard.
  "Hi everyone. I just wanted you guys to know something since you're like my family, and that something is, I'm pregnant," she says while looking down. The crowd of people cheers and congratulate her on the new addition. It wasn't that bad until Lindsey asked the big question.
  "Who's the lucky dad?" she asks.
  "Oh, um..." Jada looks at Michael briefly then looks away. She hadn't thought about that before.
  "I am. It's me," she heard Ray announce.
"Has he lost his fucking mind?" Jada thinks.
  "I didn't think you'd tell them so soon," he says while wrapping his arm around her.
  "I just wanted to get it out of the way. I'm two and a half months in case you guys were wondering." Ray slips his hand in hers and tugs lightly indicating that it's time to go home. Ray and Michael make eye contact for a moment before tearing away from each other.
"I knew she'd end up with Ray," Meg says as they left. "Now they're gonna have a little family together!" Michael felt some type of way about the whole thing. He folded his arms and mumbled to himself. Had he taken too long? Maybe, but her best friend? She was supposed to wait for him.

Jada wiggles her hand out of Ray's grip when they reached his car. She was furious that he had said he was the father. She knew the news would upset Michael and who knows what that ball of rage would do.
"Ray, what the hell?! Why did you do that?" Jada asks throwing her arms up in defeat.
"Well, you weren't waiting by the usual spot so I went in to find you and I saw how bewildered you looked when Lindsey asked so—"
"So you took it upon yourself to lie?"
"Were you gonna tell everyone the truth?" he questions.
"Just take me home!" she says while going in his car and slamming the door shut.
"What if the baby comes out with red hair hm? Neither of us has that gene," Jada mutters.
"I doubt it will. Were you even going to tell him? How would you know if he'd even help you?" Ray asks.
"I don't know."
"You know I'd help raise that baby regardless of if it's mine or not," he tells her.
"I know Ray. I..." she lets out a deep sigh. "I need a serious vacation."
"I can arrange that," Ray hints. "I know you don't know what the baby is yet, but do you have any names in mind?" Jada thinks for a moment. She remembers her and Michael talked about names years ago. He was particularly fond of Lavender.

"Top three baby names," Michael asks.
"Hm, I haven't thought about any, to be honest. I don't think about babies as often as you older people do," she answers. "Do you have a name in mind?"
"I like Lavender for a girl," he says. "I see her as a little ginger with your beautiful green eyes."
"Y-you think about how our children would look?" she asks surprised.
"Yeah, I do. Is that weird?"
"We're not even together like that. Why Lavender?"
"It sounds nice. Lavender Jones," he answers with a smile.
"And if it's a boy?"
"Something cool like Adonis," Michael says. "Adonis Jones. But Lavender is my favorite. My little flower and my sunshine."

"I think I like Lavender," Jada finally answers. "If its a girl. And Alexio if its a boy." She looks out the window with her hand rubbing her bump gently. She'd tell Michael soon. He deserves to know after all.

After Ray left for the night, Jada curled up in her bed reading a book. Her phone started to ring and it Trevor's caller i.d popped up. She placed her bookmark in and closed it. She picked her phone up and pressed the green answer button.
"Hey Trev," she says.
"It's not mine is it?" Jada can hear the stress in his voice. "The baby I mean."
  "No, it's not yours," she answers.
  "Is it really Ray's?"
  "Nope. Is this why you called me?"
  "Yes, I was stressing really hard," Trevor admits.
  "Why? We slept together once and that was months," Jada giggles.
  "Because I wouldn't be ready for a kid, hell I don't even know if I want kids," he answers. "So, what's gonna happen?"
  "I'll tell the dad eventually. Maybe when he gets his shit together but our kid might be a teen when that happened" she jokes.
  "Tell him soon. I know he'd be elated about having a kid," Trevor suggests. "Don't keep the guy waiting. Goodnight Jade." She puts her phone on her nightstand and lays back staring up at her blank white ceiling.
"To tell or not to tell."

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