Chapter 3- Camping

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   It's been a month since Jada came back. She and Michael grew close quicker than she expected and it kind of scared her. She's convinced herself that it's because they were good friends at one point. She sits at her computer typing out June's list for potential games that the fans have requested, as well as organizing a schedule for who edits what. She runs her fingers through her straightened hair and sighs, she has been working on this for about an hour. Jada gets up and stretches her limbs then walks around the small office. The door opens up and Jeremy walks in.
"Still working on that list huh?" he asks.
"Yeah, it's a long one. I'm glad Geoff offered to edit the video I'm supposed to be working on," she groans.
  "If you ever need help, just let me know," Jeremy offers. "So uh, are you going on the camping trip?" Ah yes, the camping trip. Three days in the wilderness (of course in camping designated areas). A trip that Jada was looking forward to. She was disappointed to hear that Michael already at weekend plans, but nonetheless she was definitely going.

   "Yes, I'm going. Are you?" Jada asks the small man.
  "I am if you are," Jeremy answers trying to play it off as a joke. Suddenly Michael bursts through the door and Lindsey is hot on his trail.
  "Michael we already have plans, you can't just change your mind at the last second," she complains.
  "We weren't even going anywhere special," he fusses. "Come on, we should go on that trip."
  "I'm not going. I'm already packed for Vegas and our flight leaves tonight. You either go with me or I'm going with someone else," she says. "Tell me before work ends." Lindsey leaves and Michael huffs angrily.
  "Awkward," Jeremy mouths. Jada giggles and that causes Michael to snap his head at her.

   "What's so funny?" he fumes.
  "N-nothing, I wasn't laughing at y-you," Jada stutters. "Jeremy was just being a goof."
  "Oh, so you and your boyfriend were flirting huh?" Michael says crossing his arms.
  "So what if we were?" she asks boldly.
  "You and your pint-sized boyfriend should take that somewhere else!" he snaps.
  "God, you don't have to be a fucking jerk!" Jada yells before storming out. Michael realizes that he fucked up as soon as the door slammed behind her. He sits in his chair and buries his head in his hands.
  "Fuck me," he mutters. "And to think we were just rekindling our friendship."
  "Go apologize to her man," Jeremy suggests. "That wasn't cool."
  "I know, I'm sorry Lil J," Michael says. "I really wanted to go on this trip, but Lindsey made plans without telling me. She knew I wanted to go. I've been talking about it with her since Geoff announced it."
  "Then go. I'm sure Lindsey would invite one of her friends to go with her," Jeremy mentions.
  "Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna go look for Jada," he says while standing up.

   He finds Jada outside leaning against a wall bouncing her leg quickly.
  "Jade, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you," Michael says standing next to her.
  "I wasn't flirting with Jeremy," Jada clarifies. "He's sweet, but not my type."
  "What is your type?" he asks.
  "You should know," she grins.
  "Older men," he says. "I'm not that much older than you."
  "You're old enough Jones," Jada says. "Obviously you made my list."
  "List?" Michael asks.
  "Of guys I would date or fuck. You and Trevor were on the list," she answers. "I had a crush on him back then, but I'm not sure if I still like him like that him."
  "I'm so telling him," Michael laughs.
  "You tell him you die," she warns.
"Trevor!" Michael yells as he runs out of the office. "Trevor, I have something to tell you!"
"Michael. You're so dead!" Jada yells running after him.

It's the first day of the camping trip and everyone is sitting on the bus while others finish loading up. Michael and Jada were the last ones on the bus making them camping buddies.
"Tsk tsk tsk, you're both late," Geoff tuts while he crosses their names off of the list. "Looks like you'll be camping buddies."
"Camping buddies?" Michael asks. "Really Geoff?"
"Back of the bus tardy pals!" Geoff points. "That's your team name by the way."
"Fuck off, no it's not," Michael grumbles while moving to the back. As Jada makes her way to the back, Mica wiggles her eyebrows at her late friend.
"Must be a sign," she whispers as Jada walks past her.
"Shut it," she mumbles before taking her seat next to Michael.
  "So why were you late?" Michael asks facing her.
  "Too excited to fall asleep," she yawns. "You?"
  "Playing video games. We got about three or four hours before we get there soooo you wanna nap?" he asks rubbing his eyes sleepily. Jada was already five steps ahead of him. She curled up in the bus seat and rested her head against the window.
  "You can use my shoulder if you want," Michael says softly.
  "I'm okay thank you. Sweet dreams," Jada says before falling asleep.

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