Chapter 4- Ray and Jada

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Jada unlocks Ray's apartment door and tosses her things in the hall. She pokes her head in his office and sees him streaming. She decides not bother him, so she heads in the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. When she's done, Jada wraps her hair and her body in fresh clean towels and carefully walks to her room making sure not to slip. She bumps into Ray, who is very surprised to see her back.
  "When did you get here?" he asks raising his eyebrows.
  "About thirty minutes ago. I saw you streaming and didn't want to bug you," she answers.
  "How was the trip? Did you see Bigfoot?" Ray jokes.
  "I'll tell you all about my trip after I change," Jada says.
  "Or you could stay as you are," he grins. Jada takes the towel wrapped in her head and throws it at her friend before hurrying to her room. She slips on a pair of boy shorts and throws on an oversized shirt with The Office on it. She walks out and plops down next to Ray on the couch.

"The trip was interesting," she began.
"How so?" Ray asks facing her.
"Michael and I completely ostracized ourselves the last night there. We had our own little campfire and moved our tent away from everyone else," Jada explains.
"Everyone was on our asses and teasing us about still having feelings for each when we don't and it got annoying," she says folding her arms. "The final night was remarkably amazing. Michael and I just talked for hours and we had a moment."
"What was the moment?"
"We were huddled up in the tent sitting by the fire..."

It was the final night of the company trip. The stars were twinkling brightly against the dark sky. It was a little chilly so everyone was bundled up and close. Jada wraps herself in a blanket and sits next to Michael while he pokes the fire with a stick.
"We've completely excluded ourselves from everyone," he says. "Feels awesome just hanging out with you."
"Likewise. I love how bright the stars are," Jada smiles.
"Me too. So, if I remember correctly," Michael says.
"Oh boy," Jada giggles.
"Your parents are from Brazil," he finishes.
"I can't believe you still remember," she says astonishingly.
"Do you still speak Portuguese?"
"Of course I do, not as often as I'd like to though," she answers.
"Say something to me then." Jada doesn't think too long about what to say, her self-conscious says it for her.
"Você significa tudo para mim," she says. Well, now she feels like an idiot even though he doesn't understand what she said.
"What does that all mean?" Michael asks tilting his head to the side.
"It's nothing important," Jada answers.
"Fair enough," Michael says shivering slightly.
  "Do you wanna share my blanket?" she asks him.
  "Christ, I thought you were never going to ask!" he says wrapping himself in the blanket and putting his arm around his friend's shoulder. Jada unknowingly smiles to herself and blushes at the interaction. She rests her head on his shoulder and spots a shooting star flying across the sky.
  "Shooting star, make a wish!" Jada exclaims before shutting her eyes.
  "What did you wish for?" Michael asks.
  "If I tell you, it won't come true," she answers.

   Ray folds his arms and grumbles to himself after she finishes her story. Jada pokes Ray's cheek and pouts.
  "Are you jealous that I haven't been spending time with you?" she wonders. She wouldn't be surprised if that were the case since she's started working Jada hasn't been able to hang out with Ray that much.
  "Look, my weekend is yours, we can do whatever you want," she says with a smile.
  "I guess that sounds fun," Ray mumbles.
  "Come on be happier!" She tackles him, straddling his waist, and tickling his sides until he bursts into a fit of laughter.
  "Okay, okay enough!" Ray laughs while sitting up grabbing Jada and pulling her into an embrace. "We can rest up for the day and go out somewhere tonight."
  "Good because I'm so exhausted," Jada says. Ray falls back on the couch with his best friend laying in his arms.
"I wish we could stay like this forever," Ray thinks with a smile pressed against his lips. He watches as Jada's back moves up and down slowly, she's already fallen asleep. Ray smooths our her semi-wet hair before placing a kiss on her head and falling asleep himself.

Jada and Ray are waiting in line to get in a local amusement park. Since it was a Saturday the lines were a little long, but the two entertained each other by talking. Ray feels his pockets and curses to himself silently.
"I'll be back I left my wallet in the car," he says.
"I can—"
"No, you save your money, I'll pay," Ray insists. He hurries back to his car leaving the young girl alone in line. A man gets behind her interested in what he sees. He bends down to and moves her hair from her ear.
"What's a girl like you doing here all alone?" he whispers. Jada whips her body around and sees the tall lanky man smirking at her.
"I-I'm not... alone," she stutters.
"I don't see anyone with you," he says.
"I'm waiting for my f-f-friend," Jada stutters.
"Aw, do I make you nervous? I promise I'm a nice guy. Why don't we go in together?" the man says eyeing her chest. "Cheeky shirt."

   Ray comes back and pushes past the man harassing a very nervous Jada

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Ray comes back and pushes past the man harassing a very nervous Jada.
"Are you alright baby?" Ray asks. Jada buries her face deeply in Ray's chest hugging him tightly.
"I am now," she mumbles. She peers up at him with a relieved smile on her face. He kisses her forehead and rubs her back to soothe her more.
"Don't bother my girlfriend again," Ray warns. He pays for himself and Jada before the creep could even say anything back. Jada still holds onto Ray tightly as they walk around trying to find something to do.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that," he says with a frown.
"As long as you're with me I'll be okay," she says. "Clever playing the boyfriend."
"Had to. He would've kept bothering you otherwise," Ray shrugs. "So what do you wanna do?"
"Everything!" Jada exclaims.

   After riding most of the rides and playing games, Jada and Ray end the night on the Ferris wheel. They were almost at the top when it stops and they rock a bit. A loud boom erupts and they look out and see fireworks in the sky.
  "Oooh, Ray look! It's so beautiful," Jada beams. She presses her face against the glass watching all the different colors expand and disappear. Ray watches her and he can't help but admire her childlike nature. He gets a warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of his stomach and comes to the realization that he truly likes Jada as more than a friend.
"Stupid feelings," he thinks. Jada sits next to him and gets real close to him clinging his arm. He looks down at her and her sparkling green eyes are on him. He can see the fireworks reflection in them.
  "What's up?" he says softly.
  "I love being with you Ray. I just feel so safe around you," she answers. She moves up and plants a kiss on his cheek then rests her head on his shoulder.
  "I love being with you too Jade," he says back. Even if she doesn't reciprocate his feelings, he'll always be her friend and do his best to protect her.
"Maybe one day," Ray considers.

Aw so cute 😭 So much fluff in this chapter

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