Who's the Daddy?! (When in London Pt.2!)

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*Hey! Just to let you all know, I had a lot of help when writing this. My friends @professionaldreamer and @Tallie24 helped me write this and they thought of the plot and stuff. So yeah, if it weren't for them then I wouldn't have any ideas for part 2 so I owe it all to them :) anyway thanx haha and enjoi the story x)

The flight to New York was long-ish and uneventful. But I didn't care. I had Ryan Lochte by my side, stroking my hair and tickling my arm. 

He entertained me during the whole trip. Ryan decided to live in NYC with me for a little while until he came back home to Florida.

Things were pretty good. Really, they were. I was at New York with the apartment of my dreams... my fantasy job.. my amazing sexy hot-bod boy friend.

It was like I was living in some twisted fairy tale. It seemed to good to be true. That's the thing.
It WAS too good to be true.

Who's the Daddy?! (When in London Pt.2!)Where stories live. Discover now