Chapter 3, The graduation and After Sluber Party

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As all the students are gathered around, they wait for the last bit of ceremony is left. The speech by the class rep.

"Hello, it is an honor to be up here with all of you. You have taught me so much. I have experienced so much because of you. When I first got here, I was in a lot over my head. Only me. And then I learned that life can change and be some of the best things to happen. As I look out at us now, I don't see a group of people that took the same classes. I see a group of friends that's bonds have been tested time and time again. Through akuma and villainy and sport. Throw it all I know that this friendship that we have cannot be broken. And I hope that it will continue to grow stronger. So, enough with speeches and let's enjoy tonight." I said as I stud at the podium and with my last word, I throw my cap into the sky with everyone else, screaming with joy.

*Time Skip*

We are all at Chloe's and having a blast.

"Let's put on pg.'s, I will get wine, since we are all of age here. And then let's do truth, dare, or drink." Chloe said with a smirk. As everyone was exited, they rushed off to change, including me.

*Time skip*

I walk out of the bathroom in my chat onesie, and looked around, i see everyone with their sleeping bags laded out in a circle. The last open spot is right next to Adrien wearing the ladybug onesie counterpart to mine. I go and lay do with Alya on my right.

"So, we play by someone will start and they get to pick who they ask. They will ask truth or dare. then they will tell that person what they are to answer or do. However, if they don't want to answer, they can drink. So, truth or dare, Alya." Chloe explained.

"Truth, I am an open book." Alya said cockily.

"Alright, would you dump Nino for a date with Ladybug?" Chloe said with a snide grin.

"Um, I think I am going to drink," She said taking a big swig of her class, "and that is because I don't know. Now, I pick. Mari, truth or dare."

"Um, truth, "I answered happily.

"What is something no one knows about you?"Alya questioned with a smirk.

Crap, I took a truth question from a reporter. Alright, ladybug is out, princess is out, Tikki is out, parents are out, last name is out, and I got it, "I am actually really ripped. Like, I have an 8 pack."

"What," Alix asked.

"Of course, you have an 8 pack. Cause you couldn't be more prefect." Adrien said to me.

"Yeah well, Kim your next truth or dare. "I asked taking out my pigtails. hoping no one noticed how long my hair is. That is why I always keep it up, it looks shorter.

"Dare, of course." He says confidently.

"Alright, I dare you to kiss Alix or ask her on a date, ether will suffice." I ask with a smirk that keeps growing. As he looks at me dumb founded. Then he takes a drink from his glass to a wave on sadness for the peanut gallery, till he then turns to Alix and kisses her head on, to an up roar of applause.

"Alright, Adrien, you're up" Kim said when they had broken up the kiss.

"Dare, I can take it." My iodic boyfriend said confidently.

"Alright man, make out with Marinette." To witch my boyfriend laughed and leaded in whispered, "He thought that was a dare," and kissed me on the lips we stayed like that for a hot minute forgetting that people are watching until Alya started clapping. We then broke off the kiss.

The guys then started celebrating him for what just happen, so I thought I would play a little game, "Really that is it, I expect more from you."

"You wound me, princess." he declared in his overly dramatic self.

"I know, but I will always heal you up as well." I told him as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. To witch a crowd of awww's could be heard.

*Time Skip*

I am standing on the balcony to Chloe's room just thinking as the air blows my hair. The game had lasted many hours, everyone went to bed a bit ago. And we ended the school year with everyone now dating, ironically all of them are all partners for China. I am just so worried for what is going to happen. Tikki is still in my bag. Adrien is asleep. It is nice once and a wile just to breath in the cool Parisian air. I'm going to miss Paris. When my coronation happens, I will be the Empress of China. At least I can visit, and my memories are still there. The cool air has helped calm me down. So, now sleep.

The princess and her knight( a mlb fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon