Chapter 1, The Class's Big Announcement

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"Hey, Alya!" I yelled running up the stairs to school.

"Hey girl, you are killing that outfit. Why change it up?" She asked putting her phone in her bag.

"I thought something different was in order." I replied doing a little twirl for her friend. Wearing a light pink cupcake dress and a black leather jacket, and pink strap sandals.  "So where are the boys?"

"Right here, Prruncess." My sweet boyfriend said, hugging he from the back.

"Hey kitty, do you like my outfit?" I ask him.

"I love it. Also, the bell is about to ring. So, race you." He said as he started racing in to class followed by me, Alya, and Nino.

*Time Skip*

"Alright, class settle down. We have a big announcement to make." My teacher Ms. B, said. I am excited for the news. So much is about to happen, you can tell because of the mayor and the principal all standing in our class room.  She continued, "Do you all remember the lessons where your assignment was to have your passport made?"

"Yes," we all answered.

"Good see those where for this." At that murmuring was heard by all the kids in the class as the try and uncover what was going on.

"Settle down class and I will explain.  Thank you, you see at the beginning of the year we were told that the Royal family of China would like our class to come to China and stay at the place. We are to fly on a privet jet proved by the Emperor and Empress. We will be present for the princess's coronation and the subsequent ball. We are also invited to a special ceremony. We will be gone a month on this trip. And with it being at the end of the school year you are all graduation early. Tomorrow to be exact. You will be assigned partners that you will stay with thrown the duration of the trip. And once a tell you, your partners, you may go home and pack. Tomorrow night we will have your graduation ceremony, and the Sunday morning after we will meet at the airport to go to china.  And do not worry all your parents have already approved the trip." She finished turning around to grab her clip board off her desk. And now I think the classes shock has worn off and all that remains is insanity.

"Can you believe we are going to china?!" Alya yelled in my ear.

"I can't believe that your father agreed." Nino said to Adrien.

"Class can I have your attention for one more moment," All eyes looked to Ms. B knowing she was about to pair everyone up, "Alright, now whoever you get cannot be changed.  Adrien Agreste with Marinette Princeps, Alya Cesaire is with Nino Lahiffe, Chloe Bourgeois is with Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Sabrina Raincompix is with Max Kante, Ailx Kubdel is with Le Chien Kim, Ivan Bruel is with Mylene Haprele, Juleka Couffaine is with Rose Lavillant, and that is it. I will see you tomorrow." With that she leaves, along with the mayor and the principal.

"Hey this is great. How about we skype while we pack." Alya suggest as we walk out of the class room. But them we our arms pulled away by someone.

They stop at the end of the hall way. "We need your help." Said Chloe and Sabrina. Chloe had really changed the last year or so. That was when Ladybug had told her that the key to her power was kindness. She really has improved.

"What do you need help with?" I ask.

"Could it be that you were both paired with your crushes?"Alya teased, only to see their faces go as red as my suit.

"Yes, now help." Chloe said looking terrified.

"Just be you and act from the heart." I tell her.

"You really think that will work?" Sabrina asked.

"Yes, now I have to go." I told them with a smile.

"What you have a hot date waiting for you?" Chloe teased.

"Yes actual. Any day that we get off, me and Adrien will go and get lunch together." I answered turning and sashaying out.

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