Chapter Forty Seven

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The interior architecture of Sargatum was a baffling maze. The scout led Aric and company up and down stairs, through hallways that headed in the opposite direction that logic dictated. Undoubtedly, without a guide they would’ve been lost. Part of Sargatum’s impenetrable defense was not just its geographic location.

Yes, it was nigh impossible to penetrate from the outside. Rows of windows lined the outer walls in a semi-circle. Archers positioned in every arrowslit had an unobstructed view of the western, eastern and southern sections of the Issus Valley. The only other accessible path was through the northern route that Aric had come up, but the thousands of Vicedonian guards protecting it easily deterred any would-be intruders. 

If someone managed to bypass the outer defenses, though, they would find themselves in a bewildering set of stairwells and tunnels. None of it could be made sense of at a glance. It was rumored that a quarter of the fortress was still a mystery. The Ancients built the castle long ago, assumedly; the Draco Guardians etched into the outer wall were the only indication of their presence here. Their architects were either clever to construct such a place—or mad. Aric couldn’t help but think it was the latter as he walked down the hallways.

“Here you are, my lord, please wait a moment as I announce your arrival to Major Kymon.”

Aric simply nodded as Titan and his entourage stared in awe at the cobwebs of stairs they had just come up. The door opened suddenly, startling the group.

“Prince Aric, the little lad with the big mouth, welcome to Sargatum! Come in, come in.” Major Kymon wrapped his tree trunk of an arm around Aric, escorting him inside his chambers.

“He’s not as acidic as Prince Xander said he’d be. He’s actually kind of friendly,” a flat-faced guard with red hair whispered to Titan.

Major Kymon grabbed the guard by his throat, thrusting him violently against the wall. “Shut your mouth and speak only when spoken to, trash! Do I make myself clear, boy?”

The breath rushed out of the guard’s lungs as he nodded emphatically in agreement. Before he slid to the floor, Major Kymon had already made his way down the hallway, reuniting with Prince Aric.

They entered a spacious room with five large windows revealing an amazing view of the Issus Valley and Alesiuss. Major Kymon made his way into a large, comfortable chair covered in bearskin. “So what has brought the young prince all the way out to the middle of the Disputed Lands?”

Aric cleared his throat. “Before I begin, may I say how good it is to see you again, Major Kymon. You are missed back at Mount Syphax.”

Major Kymon snorted so loudly snot dribbled over his upper lip. He wiped it away with his hand, laughing at Aric’s suggestion.

“Do not fool yourself. They do not miss me, young prince. That much I know for a fact. They requested my presence and input on their snotty war council only for me to be mocked and cast off like a beaten dog. They sent me here to Sargatum because they wanted me chained to a pole, to be kept out of trouble.” Major Kymon leaned back in his chair, wiping his snot-covered hand across the bearskin. “But that’s been fine by me. This castle has been a blessing in disguise really. It is easily defended and my men are healthy and happy. The colony below provides us with more food than we need. There is plenty of entertainment in the villages. The Renzai army avoids this area at all cost to mask their movements. My situation here is quite good.”

“I’m glad you are enjoying your post. But my presence today comes at a high price for you.”

The comment made Major Kymon pause halfway through a gulp of wine. His eyebrows rose at first, and then burrowed deep into his thick forehead.

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