Chapter Forty Five

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Madness. That’s what it’d been like in the capital since Raden returned from his training. Walking through the streets had now become an ordeal. He couldn’t go ten feet without someone bowing before him, or begging him to perform miracles. Children that he’d known before, friends of Kimi, now fell speechless before him. It had been strange, but Raden tried his best to be the hero they believed him to be. He did not want to disappoint or dash their hopes in him. A hopeful people are a powerful people, Raden, is what the Warrior had told him. What the Warrior revealed to Raden as they journeyed back to the capital had forever altered their relationship. The Warrior’s words now carried far more weight than before. Not that they didn’t prior; indeed, he was a member of the Ministry of Transcendence, his word was literally law, but now, they had forged a deeper connection. 

The people will worship you; do not give them reason to doubt you, my child. Raden took those words to heart. He was maintaining fairly well, growing into his newfound role, but the parade yesterday had turned an already strenuous obligation into something ridiculous. Mothers wanted him to heal their sick children, those with missing limbs believed him capable of restoration. His power was unique, but he was not a god. He did his duty, made his public appearances, and displayed his power when called upon, but he longed to be home with Kimi and Lulu, his only refuge from the chaos.

Today had been his first day off from “The Candidate Tour of Slavery” as Gama liked to call it. Kimi, Lulu, and Raden had been relocated for safety reasons. They now resided within the protective confines of headquarters. Delicacies and other previously unknown confections now preoccupied Kimi’s mind. Her new favorite breakfast of strawberry ice cream and red bean steamed buns started the day, while Raden ate his hot porridge with pickled vegetables. She had told Raden all about her favorite classes and subjects from when he had been gone. How Mrs. Keo had been there to keep her busy and comfort her when she missed Raden. Lulu had been an amazing guard dog as well, diligently protecting her, and sleeping bedside every night. Her plethora of stories brought a sense of peace and normalcy to Raden that he longed to feel.

The afternoon was spent at Eko Park. It was nice to be out without being bombarded by a deluge of questions. Not that the scene was normal. Thirty or so security officers protected him, Kimi, and Lulu as they strolled through the park. Unnerving and eerily unnatural at first, Raden tried his best to adjust to it quickly because he knew nothing was going to change. The sooner he accepted his newfound celebrity, the sooner he could try and move on with his life.  

They walked along the lake, tossing crackers to the fish. The tempting sounds of the ice cream man ringing his bell sent a bolt of excitement throughout Kimi’s body. She raced over to the ice cream man, Lulu nipping at her heels as she meticulously studied the menu. Strawberry, mango, lychee, and on and on the list went. Kimi narrowed it down to red bean or strawberry. She weighed the pros and cons of each one as she had learned to do so in school when making an important decision. Lulu barked in agreement when she finally decided on strawberry. Raden watched her enjoy every bite of the ice cream.

She had grown up so quickly while he was gone, it seemed. He had always been there for her once their parents had passed. Kimi only an infant at the time, Raden just a seven-year-old boy with a baby sister to care for, but somehow he had done it. And now with his new power, he was going to bring an end to centuries of warfare. Usher in a time of peace so Kimi and other children like her could grow up without experiencing the hardships of war. 

“You know, Kimi, when I leave on my next mission, I think I can help end all the fighting.”

Kimi looked up and smiled her big grin; strawberry stains on the sides of her mouth. “I know you will, Raden. Then you can be home all the time!”

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