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The following day, we all sit inside the Wyrm. The vote. However, it is abruptly interrupted as FP, Jug and Betty all walk in.

"Stop the damn vote. What the hell were you doing at the dump last week, Tall Boy?" FP yells, glaring at Tall Boy.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"I'm talkin' about you cutting the head off the Pickens' statue and stashing it at the dump where you were seen, dumbass. So start spilling"

"Why'd you do it? Someone put you up to this?" Jughead follows.

"What's the Northsider doing here? This is Serpent business, it's on Serpent land" Tall Boy scoffs.

"She's here because she's one of us"

"You haven't answered my son's question: Why'd you do it?" FP hisses.

"Cause I'm tired of seeing the Serpents goin' soft under your rule! Then Hiram Lodge came by, wanting to stir up some trouble. He said if I took the head, he'd get McCoy and the cops to swarm all over us, 'cause some chaos" he reveals.

"So Hiram Lodge asked you to start a mutiny and you helped him, why?" Jug questions.

"I figured it'd be my chance to get rid of you, sunshine. And if I got rid of him, I could get rid of you, too, FP"

"And then, what, you'd become leader?" I scoff.

"He and Penny. You're a Judas, Tall Boy, and an idiot" Jug declares, "You betrayed your own kind, Tall Boy"

"You broke Serpent Law" I add, standing with Jughead.

"What should we do with this lowlife?" FP asks.

"Strip him of his jacket. Exile him"

"All those in favour?" Toni questions.

Everyone mourners in agreement and raise there hands. FP snickers and smiles satisfied.

"Looks like this piece of trash and I got a long ride ahead of us" he sighs.

I smirk, crossing my arms successfully. Tall Boy has never been my favourite person, now I never have to see him again. And his plan to lead is destroyed.

"See you never Tall Boy" I chuckle, making my way out of the Wyrm.

When I get outside, I'm by myself, but I see a motorbike across the rode, a rider sitting on it and despite having a helmet on with a screen cover, I can see him staring at me. I squint at him and start walking towards him, but then he rides off. As he rides away, I see he is wearing a Serpent jacket.

"Case! What you looking at?" Sweets calls from behind me, him, Toni and Fangs all coming outside.

"N-Nothing, I think" I say, looking back at the road before making my attention stay on Sweets, who is giving me a concerned look, "I don't know, if just feels like someone's been watching me"

"Watching you?" Toni questions.

"Yeah, but I don't know, it was just a feeling he then a guy on a bike, with a Serpent jacket was just sitting over there when I came out and was looking at me" I explain, "It's probably nothing, don't worry"

"Still, tell FP" Sweets states.

"Yeah, I might. Oh well, let's go celebrate my staying in the Serpents and go to Sweetwater River" I grin.

"I was never gonna let anyone kick out my girl" Sweets declares, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I smile, looking up to him as he kisses my forehead lovingly.

That night, once FP has dropped off Tall Boy and kicked out Penny, I go up to his office and sit across from him.

"Hey" I sigh, getting comfortable.

"Hey kid what's up?"

"I, lately I've been feeling like someone is watching me or something. Like yesterday I left the Wyrm and, a Serpent was sitting on his bike across the road watching me. Sweet Pea said I should tell you but-"

"He was right. Casey, I think I know who this person is. And you've got to leave town" he declares.

I look at him shocked, taken aback.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"It's your father"

"What?" I gasp, "You know him-"

"He, he's just gotten out of prison. Casey, you wouldn't remember, but when you were three, he took you. He held you for a week and didn't feed you or give you water. I was visiting his house and heard a baby screaming, he was passed out on the floor from taking heroin. You nearly died"

"Why, why hasn't anyone told me? Why didn't yo tell me?" I hiss upset.

"I never thought he'd ever come here. I didn't want you to be even more disappointed by another parent. He is extremely violent and dangerous. Addicted to drugs, he puts blame on people for being put in jail. Blaming me, and you"

"I don't even know him!"

"I know, but he's, he's insane Casey. The reason he was in jail was because he killed a man, they had no proof so couldn't hold him for too long. But he killed him, then chopped up his body whilst he was alive. I know he did"

"Oh my god" I gasp, shaking my head and instinctively putting my hands on my stomach, my baby, "Why has he being watching me?"

"He hates me, I got him into jail. And I'm going to get him back I'll find proof he did what he did. But, until then. You need to leave Riverdale with Sweet Pea, right now. Because if he wants to hurt me...he's going to hurt you"

I nod, wiping my wet cheeks.

"I'll leave. Not because I'm afraid of him, but I will not risk my baby getting hurt" I declare.

"You will be back before you know it Casey, I promise you, this is your home not his" he assures me.

"Thank you" I smile sadly, then hug him tightly before leaving the room.

That night, after Sweet Pea and I have packed our stuff. We walk out of our trailer and lock the door behind us. Then, we I turn to look at our bike, I am met with all of my best friends. My family; FP, Jug, Toni and Fangs. I smile sadly and Toni immediately starts crying. I laugh hugging her tightly.

"Come back soon okay? Promise?" Toni pleads.

"I promise, be safe yeah? Look after Fogarty over here" I chuckle.

"Yeah" she laughs, sniffling and wiping her tears.

I turn to Fangs who is finishing his goodbye with Sweets. I move over and hug him tightly.

"Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone alright?"

"Never" he grins.

I roll my eyes and rub his head sisterly. Then, I go over to Jughead who is looking st me incredibly sad.

"This sucks" he sighs.

"I know. Lead the teens Jug, they need someone to look up to thats there age. Step up yeah? You're a born king" I smile, motioning to FP, "It's in your blood"

"I'll never be as good as you" he admits, then throws his arms around me.

I hug him back tightly, smiling as I step back and move to FP. Who I immediately wrap my arms around and hug tightly.

"Be safe" I whisper.

"You too kid" he sighs sadly.

"Thank you, for always being there for me, thanks for being my perfect Dad"

He squeezes me tighter and then pulls back, subtly wiping his tear-filled eyes. I look to Sweet Pea and he nods, grabbing hold of my hand. We tie our two bags to the bike, and then take one last look at our friends.

"You ready?" I ask Sweets.

"Always with you" he smiles.

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