Chapter 1 Treacherous

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Chapter 1 Treacherous

Lucas’s POV

          I sit on the chair right beside the woman who has given me so much. She’s currently pregnant with my half vampire baby. So much has happened in the last few weeks, and it’s still hard to take in. Emmett and I are going to be parents, we own a house, and I’m starting college soon. Everything has seemed to calm down, and the cloaking spell is still working apparently, considering that we’re not all dead. I’m still super upset from the family meeting we just had. Carlisle tried to abort the fetus, but there’s no way because of the hard out shell of the amniotic sack. It saddens beyond words because I thought it could all work out.

I hear my name being called, from across the house, but I can’t bring myself to leave her side. The woman that has done the greatest thing for me, is weak and ill. I can’t believe how bad she’s doing. I thought that because Emmett was a new type of vampire that this pregnancy would be much easier than Bella’s was. I’ve been told the horrific stories, and now they’re becoming my reality. I look over at the bed where she’s sleeping for the moment. There are periods of time, when she sleeps for hours. That might be my favorite time. The other times are much worse.

          Sometimes she gets so bad, and we can all hear her bones cracking, and she screams endlessly at night. I can tell that the baby is killing her. Carlisle said the good thing is that our blood heals her instantly, so we may have less trouble than with Bella. Most things about the two pregnancies are pretty similar, like the pace of the growth. Carlisle expects the baby to be here within two weeks. I should’ve known that nothing in my life comes without some drama attached. I smile softly, before finally getting up to see what Esme needs. As I’m walking from the room, I hear a small bone crack.

          We can’t do anything with one broken bone bcause we know more will break, and she could overdose on our blood, if we feed her every time she breaks a bone. Tears fill my eyes, as I walk across the house. Emmett and I aren’t moving into our house, until after the baby is delivered because Carlisle has good supplies here, and we don’t want to leave her here by herself. I speed through the house, and find myself face to face with Esme. I take in the expression on her heart-shaped face, and in spite of all the sadness in the air, I smile. She’s looking at me with such tenderness, and love that I can’t feel sad in that moment.

          “Hey hun, how are you holding up?” she asks sweetly, cupping my face gently. I can’t answer due to the lump in my throat, so I just nod stiffly, still holding back tears. “oh Lucas, everything will work out somehow, you’ll see in time. Everything happens for a reason sweetheart” she tells me, and the tears break free. She snakes her arms around me, and hugs me tightly. We stand there for a few minutes, not talking, not faking smiles, just hugging and it’s the first time I’ve felt okay in days. We finally break apart, and I turn away to leave her and go check on Emmett.

          I know Emmett is also upset, but I’ve been so wrapped up in my own feelings, that I haven’t paid any attention to him. I climb up the steps, and come to a halt outside of our room. I open the door, and find him lying there on our bed, his eyes are open staring up at the ceiling. I take a few strides across the room, and fall down beside him on the bed, and turn to look at him. In that moment, I feel like I used to feel when talking to Emmett. All the evil, and sadness disappears, and the pain in my chest eases. He turns his head to look at me, and I smile over at him.

          “Emmett, we’re going to make it through this. We’ve handled way worse, and our blood could be the key to success that was missing with Bella’s pregnancy” I say quickly, and wait silently, for him to lash out and sting me with some statement of anger, but his reply surprises me, and makes me fall even more in love with him.

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