Chapter 3 Crazy

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Chapter 3 Crazy

Lucas’s POV

          Driving back from the beach, I roll my windows down, and turn my radio on as loud as it will go. The wind whips through the car, and the cold air is everywhere. I keep my eyes on the dark highway, before me, and for a moment Sam doesn't exist. I’m here, and I’m numb. It’s been so long since I felt the way that I’m feeling right now because now that I’m a vampire cutting myself would be kind of pointless. I decide that I need to do something to feel again. Emmett deserves someone with humanity. I make the decision on the spot, and then it seems so right.

          I close my eyes, and push my foot down on the gas pedal. I don’t think about the ramifications, or the possibility of hurting someone, or even myself. I let go of the steering wheel, keeping my eyes shut tightly, I speed down the narrow highway overlooking the ocean below. The sound of my radio is the only thing in my ears, and then the car begins to swerve with the lack of control. I just savor the moment of recklessness, speeding down the dark highway with the wind swirling around, and the music screaming in my ear, before I feel the railing give way.

          There’s a sick, shrill screeching noise, as my car catches the metal railing, and rips it away from the base. For a second everything seems paused, there is nothing but me, crashing over the side of a cliff. I squeeze my eyes even tighter shut, as I think of what this would mean if I were still human. Too bad that I won’t feel any of this, but for a second. Too bad nothing I do to myself will ever be irrevocable again. Too bad that everything I could’ve done to myself is now pointless because I’ll just heal anyway. All of these things run through my head, before I begin to think logically again.

          Finally I open my eyes, and with horror, I watch as I flip over the side of the cliff in my Honda. There is a car coming to a stop, as I’m in free fall. I hurriedly unbuckle my seatbelt, as I fall to the water below. I look up, and see that there are two people watching me fall. This is going to cause some problems. Another few seconds, and I hit the water with a huge splash. The water begins to fill with water immediately, so I just close my eyes, and hold my breath. I may sound crazy at this moment, but when you can’t physically hurt yourself to make yourself feel again, there are not that many options.

          I hear a weird hissing noise, and that’s when I realize the car is on fire, and it’s not sinking fast enough to put the fire out. That’s when I remember that fire can kill me. Emmett crosses my mind, so I move to crawl out of the window, but then I realize that the dash board has caved in, and I’m pinned. I struggle with the wreckage, for a moment, before remembering that I have superhuman strength. I grip the dash board and pull with all my strength, and the entire piece comes away from the car. I can see the blood swirling with the debris, and the water.

          I hurriedly crawl, from the car, and look back at my still sinking car. I’ve had this car, for so long, and it is the last thing my dad ever gave me. Tears fill my eyes, as I look at the burning wreckage of my sinking car. What have I done? Why am I acting so reckless? At that moment, the car explodes, and I’m thrown from the edge of the car into the dark swirling ocean. My eyes snap open, and I look around me. There are no sharks around, so that’s good. I begin to kick my feet, and that’s when I notice that they haven’t healed yet. I painfully swim my way back to the shore.

          I finally come to the edge of the beach, and collapse. I don’t understand what’s going on. Why am I not healing? Why do I feel so weak? What’s happening? That’s when I collapse onto the beach, and everything stops. I’m lying flat on my stomach, and I can see someone’s feet running up to me, but I can’t even lift my head. Then out of nowhere, I feel the urge to puke. Can vampires even get sick? I can’t move my body, but the vomit erupts from my mouth, as the person before me jumps back to avoid the spray. That’s when I see the person’s face.

          It’s a woman. She looks extremely beautiful, and she has dark crimson eyes, so I know that she is a vampire. Not the kind of vampire that I want around me, in such a weakened state because I notice something about her, besides her red eyes, or her extraordinary beauty, I notice her clothes. She looks at me with a crimson smile, and I see the shimmering fangs beneath the lipstick smile. The woman standing before me, reveling in my agony is wearing a black cape with a hood covering the rest of her head, which can only mean one thing. She’s Vulturi. This is crazy.

Chloe's POV

          I take one last look in the mirror, and noiselessly growl at the way my hair looks. Jackson and I are finally going to test ourselves in a city. We’ve been rationing human blood for a while now, and we’re both optimistic that we can merge into a normal life again. I turn away from my disheveled reflection, and walk to the door. Rushing downstairs, I come face to face with Jackson on the bottom step, he snakes his arms around me, and lifts me off my feet. His lips find mine without fail, and he kisses me so softly that even though I’m accustomed to it by now, it still makes me giddy.

          “Are you ready to go babe?” he asks, when we finally break apart, and I just nod happily. We’ve kind of been squatting out in houses that are a little distance from the cities. He sets me back on my feet, but not before taking my hand, and gently pulling me to the door. We race out of the open, and once we’re in the woods, and nobody can see us we slow to a brisk walk. I look over at him with a look of pure love on his face, and he starts to sing, when he sees my face. It does nothing to assuage my giddiness. We walk side by side through the woods, our arms swinging back and forth, as we head to town with our money to rent our first house together.

          I may not have wanted this life for myself, or for Jackson, but I can’t bring myself to regret the path that has led us here because I’ve never been as happy as I am in this life with this man right beside me. I can’t fight the smile from my face, and that’s how it is every single day with Jackson. I think that when you have something like this with someone you should hold onto it as long as you possibly can, and if you ever get torn away from it, then you need to fight until your dying breath for true love. That’s precisely what he is, Jackson is my true love, and there’s nobody I’d rather be with.

Renesmee’s POV

          I snuggle up to my Jacob on the ride home. We’ve been in the car for nearly fourteen hours, and I’ve slept, for most of it, but I can feel how warm Jake’s skin is even through my clothes. I open my eyes, and look around the car. Mommy is driving, and her beautiful brown hair is blowing all around because her window is down, and the wind is everywhere. I fight back the smile, and just sit there in that moment. There’s nobody I love more than the people in this car. I sit there silently, just taking in everything I can about these people. Jacob is snoring, and his slightly shaggy hair is shining in the sunlight.

          I turn my attention to daddy. He’s sitting straight up just like he always does, and he’s looking out the window. I watch as his fingers soundlessly tap the rhythm of our song, the one we wrote together. It fills me up with love, and happiness. I have always been really close to my daddy. He shares all the same interests with me. We both love music, and our family, and we both love to hold mommy’s hand. I feel guilty about the way I treated them, when I ran away. I never meant to hurt them, but I hated New York. I want to travel one day, but for now I’m perfectly happy with staying right where I belong in Forks. 

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