Chapter 35 Forever and Always (Epilogue)

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Chapter 35 Forever and Always (Epilogue)

Renesmee's POV


The smell of vanilla greets me, when I open the door, leading to the backyard. Everything looks beautiful. I've been waiting for this day, and now we've finally made it here. I smile at the little girl, with bouncing chocolate curls. Her eyes are dark, and I see my Jacob in them.

"Mommy, Michael is outside, even though you told him to finish his homework first!" she whines, causing me to smile once more. Being a mother is the best thing I've ever experienced. It reminds me so much of the way my mother explains it, that I pick my phone up.

"Hay mom. I just wanted to talk to you for a few moments, while I was thinking about you" I tell her, breathing contentedly into the phone, when I hear her voice. I look at Alice, before she heads back into the dining room.

"Hey there Nessie. How are my babies?" she asks, doting over her grandchildren, even from this distance. I really miss being around my mother.

"They're good. Alice, and Michael are fighting like usual. Alex is sleeping, but it's almost time to feed her." I tell her, followed by another brief spell of silence.

"We miss you Ness. Would you like to speak to your father?" she asks, and my face lights up. I wait, for him to come on.

"Hey daddy!" I exclaim, when I hear his breath in the phone. He laughs softly.

"Hey baby. When are you coming to Washington to visit? Montana isn't boring you yet?" he wonders. I laugh at the joke. They always tease me about coming to live here.

"It's still just as beautiful as the first day we moved here. I know it's been ages, but I have just been so busy lately. You guys should come visit again" I tell him, and he laughs, a bit less happily.

"The last time you came here was for your grandmother's funeral, do you really want to wait to come back for Charlie's?" he says, and the pain I used to feel with Renee hits me again. We spend a few minutes talking, but the conversation ends. I smile, as I head inside. Jacob is standing there waiting for me.

"You okay Nessie?" he asks me, as I file into his arms. I lean up to kiss him on the lips tenderly, before we break apart. I stare into his eyes, thanking God that I have him.

"I'm perfect!" I exclaim, before gripping his hand lovingly. We stand there, watching our three beautiful kids playing. I truly have everything I ever dreamt of. This is the life. I kiss my husband once more.

Chloe's POV

"She'll see you now, Ms. Chloe" the man says, a weathered smile on his face, as he allows me into the room. I cringe, when I remember that I was tortured here, but that was decades ago. The room looks so different now. For one, windows have been made toward the top of the walls, which allows all sorts of light to resonate within the room. That aspect alone would've heated the room up, but now the walls are painted a soft purple color. The thrones, and concrete floor have been replaced by squishy couches, and plush carpet.

"Esme, it's so nice to see you. It's been way too long!" I exclaim, as she walks across the room to greet me. Landon stands behind me, as the door closes behind us. I give Esme a hug, before looking around. It's been nearly six months since I was here last.

"How is everyone?" she asks, and I smile happily. I've missed her while I was gone. I'm just about to speak, when the door opens and Carlisle walks into the room. I open my arms happily, and he wraps me in a tight embrace.

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