Chapter 28 Honeymoon Avenue

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Chapter 28 Honeymoon Avenue

Renesmee's POV

Rain. I watch as it streams down the glass, never reaching me through the invisible barrier, but forever there. Reminding me of everything I've lost. I think of Michael, how he looked after the fall. He looked so pale, so dead. I push the dark memories away, as I crawl from the window seat. I leave the raindrops collecting on the surface of the cold glass. Walking from my room, I grab the keys off of my dresser, and head down to the garage, one single thought permeating my entire mind, as I take each step.

I want to see my Jacob. I want to hear his voice, and feel his touch. I want to see those eyes, those gloriously, dark eyes. The eyes that remind me of summers spent chasing him through the endless feet of beach. The summers spent feeling so loved, with mommy, daddy, and Jacob trying to reach one mutual goal; to make me happy. I smile, as I make my way over to my car. The one Auntie Alice got me last week. It feels weird to have my own car, but it also feels awesome. I slide into the car, and crank it to life.

Once on the road, I head to the reservation. Jake hasn't been around the last couple of days, so I'm going to see him. He can't avoid me forever, can he? I thought he loved me, I thought he always would, but since we kissed; he kind of checked out on me. The thoughts are unhealthy, they plow through my defenses, causing me to question Jacob. Question him, like I never have before. I know he loves me, even if he's avoiding me right now. I reach the reservation at that moment, and keep going until I pull into his apartment.

His black, and red motorcycle is leaned against the side of the house, so I know he's home. If he isn't then he's in the woods. I'm just getting out of the car, when he walks up from the back yard. He meets my gaze, as I hop out of the car.

"What are you doing here Ness?" he asks, his voice betraying some kind of caution. Is he nervous to be around me now? Tears fill my eyes, as I walk right up to him. He looks down at me, his eyes softening at the sight of my tears.

"Why won't you talk to me? Did I do something...wrong?" I wonder, as he fills in the gap. He reaches out a hand, but then pulls it back reluctantly. I look at him, as if he struck me. It hurts to see his true feelings, as fleeting as it may have been. He hates me. I swallow the lump in my throat, looking him right in the eye. He sees the tears, and this time reaches out to hold my hand. I feel my stomach do a flip, before the tears escape, and run down my face. I hate this feeling, but his body language said it all.

"You kissed me. You kissed me back Jacob, and now... now you don't even want to touch me?" the accusation is thick in my voice. It settles in the rain falling upon us. He looks up, as if something from above had hit him. When he looks down again, his eyes are full of pain.

"Renesmee. I do... I do, but you aren't... I mean we can't... You know what I'm trying to say don't you?" he stumbles over the excuse, but I brush it away, as I realize his excuse is dumb. I reach up, and wrap my arms around his waist, before kissing him full on the lips again.

Lucas's POV

A noise alerts me to a new arrival, so I spin around in the laundry room. Racing off in the direction of the front door, I fling it open to find myself face to face with Chloe. I jump with excitement, as I pull her into my arms tightly. She returns the hug, but I can tell that something is wrong with her. That's when I see Jackson. What the hell is he doing here? I glower at him with anger, as he steps into the house. Chloe looks like she is stressed, as she pulls out of the hug. Something definitely happened while they were gone.

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