Chapter 21 Chloe

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Chapter 21 Chloe

Chloe's POV

Jasper looks back at us one last time, before rounding the corner, with a look of pure composure plastered on his usually sullen face. I know that he goes through a lot by sensing people's emotions. It would completely bring me down, if I had that burden. Alice turns to look at me, and I can see the worry in her eyes. I give her a small nod, before she turns back. Landon, and Jasper just went inside the place where this coven of vampires is staying. We just arrived in Russia this morning, and now we're meeting them.

Carlisle told us to be careful because he wasn't sure on the nature of his relationship with the Russian coven. I try not to think about all the possibilities. I try to imagine good outcomes, and alliances forged, but then I think about every Russian movie that I've ever seen. Can just imagine all the ways that this could go wrong. I roll my eyes, angry at myself for the negative thoughts. Jasper can feel that, and now he's probably even more worried, than before. I'm horrible at this whole thing of working in a team, and not freaking them out.

I can stand there quietly anymore, so I fill in the gap between Alice and I. She looks up, as I sit down next to her. She has just slid down the wall, and is now sitting on the floor. I slightly shiver, when I feel ice gliding along my back, as I follow suit. If I were human, this would be so unbearable. I sometimes think about all the differences between humans, and us. I remember being so sick, when the weather would change, now I don't get sick. I remember always being cold, when everyone else would be comfortable, or even hot. Now, I'm just normal.

I never get cold, I never get hot. I never feel change in anything about my body. I look over at Alice, and she meets my eyes. A small smile, and some whispered reassurances, is all I can offer her. The words come out hollow because we both know how this can end. We are both all too aware of the capabilities of old vampires. Jasper and Alice are the oldest vampires in the Cullen coven, except Carlisle. I know Carlisle's story, but it occurs to me that I've never learned Alice's story. How did Carlisle turn her?

"I have a question" I say. My voice sounds dull, and shaky. I guess, I'm a bit nervous to ask someone to relive their death, to relive something so horrible.

"What's that?" she asks, her voice giving away her anxiety. She sounds like she's a million miles away, when Jasper is only about one mile away.

"How did you become, I mean how did Carlisle-" I say, but I somehow can't force the words out of my mouth, so she just stares at me like I'm daft or something. Then she seems to catch on.

"Oh, Carlisle didn't turn me. I came to them much later." She explains, and I look at her with confusion. She's not bonded to this coven by blood, so why is she here? Why would she risk her, and her mate's existence for a coven of vampires that didn't even turn her? That's when I realize that some of the best family we have aren't blood at all. The Cullens are family to me, and the only one I have any connection with is Jasper. He doesn't have any connection to them, so we're all just this big adopted family.

"How were you turned?" I ask her, and she looks down at her folded hands. I can almost see the metaphorical rainstorm raging over her head.

"I was in a sanitarium, in the 19th century. I guess my gift was present, even before I was a vampire. I was targeted by James, the hunter that you killed. Somehow, I'm not clear on the details; an old man turned me, to prevent James from killing me. He ended up killing the old man, so I was left all alone. It is a confusing time for me to talk about" she explains. I look away from her.

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