Chapter 11 Here Without You

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Chapter 11 Here without you

Renesmee's POV

I lean over the middle console of our car, to give daddy a quick kiss on the cheek, before rushing into the school. I really hope he's back today. Michael, hasn't been to school in nearly two weeks, and I'm beginning to get really worried about him. Is he okay? Do people really miss school this much? I hurry into my classroom, and sit down in the desk right beside where he used to sit, before he stopped coming. Is it something that I may have done to make him stop coming? Doesn't he want a good education?

I wait nervously, until the bell rings. That's when I look away from the door, and away from his empty seat. I have to stop getting my hopes up, and come to terms with the fact that he may never come back.

"Okay class, we are going to be starting on chapter 6 now, if you will get out your books, and turn to your lab partner" the teacher calls from the front, but I look over at his empty seat once more because he was my lab partner, and now I have to do the project by myself, which won't be hard but still.

I thumb through the pages of my book, just trying to find the page to start on. I can't believe he left. He didn't even tell me goodbye. I feel like he left me behind, even though we were never really that close. I had feelings that I'd never felt before, and he was so nice to me. He left, people leave. I need to get over it, and move on with my life. That's when his face swims through my memory, and the tears swim in my eyes. I blink them away, and turn back to the teacher because she's giving directions about the assignment at hand.

I know I shouldn't take it personally because it might not even be his fault that he left. Like everyone says. People leave, the best thing you can do is hold onto the memories, and make sure that you took full advantage of their friendship, while you were lucky enough to have the chance. That's it, I'm forcing him out of my mind. I turn my full attention to the class, and throw myself into the assignment, which is actually really easy. We're supposed to make our own drawing of the layout of a cell. I begin to sketch the cell.

When the bell finally rings, I turn my drawing in, and scoop my books into my arms, before leaving the class behind, not even looking in the direction of Michael's desk. I'm just turning to go to my next class, when the picture jumps out at me. I snap my head in the direction of his face. There on the hallway bulletin board, is an image of Michael, and the flyer states that he has been missing for twelve days. I swallow the fear in my throat, as I realize that he didn't abandon me. What if something really bad happened to him?

Lucas's POV

I look out quietly at the yard before us. Emmett is sleeping with his head in my lap. Oliver, and Olivia are sleeping just beside us in their cribs. They are two weeks old now, and they have grown so quickly in the two weeks they've been alive. I might be worried, but they seem to be following the same trajectory as Renesmee, when she was born. They now resemble that of a 7 month old baby. Carlisle did the math, and if he is to be right, when they are five years old, they will resemble an 18 year old, which is a bit faster than Renesmee.

It's been a rough couple of weeks with Sam, dying, and the babies growing too fast and all. I'm beginning to realize that I'm way too lucky to be down all the time. I mean, I now have a wonderful fiancé, two beautiful children and a wonderful family surrounding me. What more could I ask for? I think of my sister at that moment. I wish that Chloe were here. I have no idea what happened to her, when everything with the Vulturi went down. Is she alive? Will I ever see her again? The questions, and possibilities are endless.

I sit there, looking out at the Cullens' yard. My yard, and just thinking of all the good things that I have in my life. If I pretend the bad things didn't happen, and just focus on the things that I do have, then a smile flashes upon my face. That's the kind of life that I want to live. That's the happiness that I strive for. Emmett stirs in his sleep, so I look down at his peaceful face. He truly is everything to me. His face is pulled into an unknowing smile. He doesn't even know that I'm sitting here looking at him all creeper like.

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