Chapter 31 I almost do

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Chapter 31 I almost do

Renesmee's POV

A small ray of light is the only thing that joins me, as I walk through the forest on the edge of the yard I share with my entire family. I'm trying my hardest to get to the Russian vampire Radiah before any of my family can intercept me, and learn of my plan. My daddy, and even Jacob will never allow me to stay for the fight, and I refuse to let them go down without me, so we're at an impasse I guess. Radiah has a gift, a gift that I need so much in this type of situation. A gift that will hide me from those who would send me away like a child.

The vampire is there, standing silently just as I knew she would be. We agreed to meet out here, so we could talk away from even the best vampire ears at my house. I knew it would be difficult, but I need to do this. I need to be here with them.

"Young one" she says curtly, as I stand there beside her. I match her pose, and after a few minutes of silence; I picture us wearing capes with our fists balled against our hips. A smile crosses my face, but I push it back down, and turn back to her.

"I need you to shield me. I know it's a lot to ask. My family looks at me as a child, but I have just as much right as any of you to rise against those...those monsters. I have grown up hating them, and why should I be left out of what will be the most historical fight in our history. I am not a child, I should be able to stand and fight with the ones I love" I tell her, and she doesn't look mad, or shocked. She just nods her head, keeping her eyes closed the whole while. I wait a while, but then she just looks over at me. "It's done" she says simply, and I head back to the house, invisible to those who would stop me.

Lucas's POV

I'm sitting there on the edge of the bed, remembering the first time I came in this room, his room; our room. The place looks so different now. When I first came in, Emmett had stiffened. Rosalie's scent must've coated the room back then. There had been shattered trinkets, and broken shelves lying about. I had almost left him alone, but now. Now I'll never leave him. I remember that day, when he asked me to let him be with me. I had been so shocked, so dumbfounded. I still have trouble accepting that someone so perfect had wanted me, still wants me.

My phone buzzes, jerking me back to the present, and I look down to see Bella is Facetiming me. I eagerly answer the phone, knowing I'll get to see my babies. The screen takes a few seconds to connect, and then her face appears. I smile at her, as she lowers the camera to show two toddlers, maybe the just shy of three years old. My mouth drops open, as I see them. I turn my head, as Emmett walks into the room.

"Emmett, our babies. They're so big!" I say, my eyes filling with tears. He moves across the room to kneel beside me, and look at them.

"They're aging so quickly. It's crazy" Emmett says, his eyes shining with love. I grip his hand, as we sit there.

"Listen to this guys" she says, a smile forming on her lips. She reaches over, and grabs ahold of Olivia, whose blonde hair is much longer than Oliver's.

"Hi daddies We miss you" they both say, as Bella helps them with the greeting. The words are everything to me. I feel myself choking back tears, when the reality of the situation hits me. This is goodbye. This is where I have to say goodbye.

I want to say so much, I want to tell them that I love them, and that they will always be loved. I want to tell them that I'll be okay. I almost tell them that I'm on my way to them, but I don't I almost do, but I force myself to tell them I love them, and then speak to Bella for a few minutes, before politely excusing myself. When I hang up the phone, I break down right there in front of Emmett.

"I don't want to say goodbye. I don't want them to grow up without us Emmett. I don't want to die" I tell him, and he pulls me closer. He holds me there, as I sob uncontrollably into his chest.

Chloe's POV

I take another step, as the sun finally breaks over the horizon. I kick a rock out of the way, as I approach his distant form. I can see him standing by the water's edge. His hands are in his pocket, and I can see him looking up at something. As I fill in the space between us, I picture his face the way it used to look. Before he changed, before I left him. Jackson is standing there, and I know I did this to him. He agreed to stay and fight, but what if he doesn't even try? I have to speak with him, I have to make him aware of my feelings.

"Can we talk?" I ask him, when I come to a stop in line with him. He does a slight jerk of his head, signaling me to speak. I see him swallow hard, as if fighting back some emotion, as soon as my voice shatters the silence. I want to reach for him. Our history leads me to want to hug him, and tell him he's okay. I almost do, but I force myself to avoid touching him. "I'm sorry... Jackson I never wanted to hurt you, and you know how much I love you. I just had to let go for my sake, and for my own good. I don't want to see you like this" I tell him.

"Please don't. Don't pretend that you care now. Not after everything" he says, his voice shaking. I take a step closer, and he jerks away angrily. My eyes fill with tears, as he rounds on me.

"Jackson. I do care. Just because we didn't work out for us as a couple, doesn't mean my heart just stopped feeling for you. I will always love you, but I just can't trust you. I can't be with someone that I cannot trust." I tell him, but he just shakes his head, and turns away from me. I go to follow him, but he's gone then. I'm left to cry alone in the forest. 

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