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There's a sparkle in her eyes that illuminates the night

And a song playing from her heart that sparks a memory

Starting the journey into her deep dark past

It doesn't take long for her to find a place where she doesn't feel alone; completely alone

Physically, mentally, and emotionally alone

No one was there, which convinced her that no one had or ever will care

She was a downward spiral heading south fast & there was no way she could ever be saved; at least that's what she thought

He was the whimsical, wide eyed, optimistic type

Nothing you could say could surprise him or bring him down

His energetic goofy nature attracted his friends

And his warm caring heart kept them close

She met him short notice in the middle of her downfall

He was different, somehow, she couldn't pinpoint

She just knew

And that's when it stopped

Her loneliness subsided, and she fell backwards

Her downward spiral switched to an uphill climb, in which she was in the lead

Her most painful memory & the one who made them cease

He gave her what she yearned for

A chance to be adored, admired, treasured, but most of all, needed

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