Some Nights

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Some nights, I still want to call you
Sometimes, when things get really bad, you're the only one I think of
Except, I have stopped thinking of you on the good days
You stopped being the first person I want to call when something good happens
I guess that says that I still love you, but it's different now
It's different like the way the seasons change
How the night falls into day
Like the waves of an ocean sway
You stopped being my sun in the summer
My copilot
My moon
You turned into the snow in December
The passenger in the backseat
A star
Close enough to lean on, but far enough that if I reached out, my fingertips would barely miss

We go through each others lives that way

Me, a little closer than you, because I know when you fall, you fall hard, and life can give some heavy blows
I should know, it hit me real hard with you
Like a wrecking ball
A battering ram
But I'm a Phoenix
And every time I rise... you're right there
I can't escape you
You're the drug my parents told me never to get addicted to
But what did I do?
I got addicted to you, and how you made me feel
You took over my mind and made yourself at home in my heart
I was a cigarette for you
But you lit a forest fire within me

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