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The day before my best friend left for Narnia he taught me the meaning of life.

He said~ "Life is like an ocean. It can be calm and still or rough and rigid, but in the end it's you who decides whether or not you ride the waves of success or drown in the sullen undertow".

I was seven then, and of course at that age adults think death is an incomprehensible subject matter for a minors mind, but I understood.

I understood that when they told me Lexis was going to Narnia it really meant he was never coming back.

That he was gone. 

I understood what all the other kids turned a blind eye to...
As for his advice, it never made sense to me. His words were simple, but I've always wondered about the drifters. The one's who coast through life not wanting to be seen. The one's who aren't a success, or a failure.

The humble hiders.

What happens to them?

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