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"I don't believe in happy endings because I'm not sure if they're real..."

The more Jungkook visited the psychiatrist, the more open he became with Doctor Park. Mainly because Jungkook told himself that he was a friend of Hoseok.

Doctor Park learnt all about Jungkook's "imaginary friends." But there was something Jungkook told no one.

Hoseok thought that Jungkook was getting better because he had stopped talking about Jin and Taehyung.
He was getting better in some way you could say. But he never forgot.
He still struggled accepting the fact that Taehyung wasn't really there and that Jin had died years ago.

Currently, Hoseok was carrying Jungkook to Jimin's office.
It was a check up appointment, so there wasn't anything Jungkook had to worry about.
But for some reason, he felt extremely nervous.

"I'll wait for you in the lobby, okay?" Hoseok said gently.

Jungkook only nodded and went inside the office hesitantly.

Jimin spun around in his chair after placing his phone down.

"Hello Jungkook, have a seat."

Jungkook sat down comfortably in front of the older male.

"Hello Park-ssi. I'm fine. I haven't heard or seen anything. But I do remember...something."

"Oh? Will you tell me or is a secret?"

Jungkook smiled a bit.

He had indeed improved when it came to socializing.

"Well, I need to ask you something first,"

"Okay, ask away."

"What is reality?"

Jimin paused to think.

" can be, the state of things that exist; in a physical sense."

"Oh, so what about Jin...and Taehyung? Weren't they real?"

"Yes, they were. But where is this going?"

The atmosphere suddenly grew thick with tension.

"What if I told you that, Jin never killed himself, neither did Namjoon? What if I told you that, Taehyung didn't die from cancer? And what if I told you that, none of this is real? Let me ask again. What is reality?"

Jimin no longer knew what to say, the younger's speech shocked him.
He recanted, and it was all because of Jungkook's words. His mind boggled as he tried to process what Jungkook could have meant.



"You know what Doctor..."





"No...what is it?"










could be in my back yard...





Wanna know why?





He was going to leave me,




Taehyung was going to leave me too.










I killed them. I killed Jin."



Reality- the state of things that actually exist.

Schizophrenia- a mental disorder whose symptoms include a withdrawal from reality into fantasy.

Depression- a mental state in which a person has feelings of great unhappiness and hopelessness.


"Hoseok. Wake up, it's me...


Let's play."



And that's the ending. The book is finished.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading.
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I'd like to thank everyone who added Cry to their reading lists and voted. I hope I didn't disappoint anyone, and if you have any questions about the story don't be afraid to message me.

Thank you guys so much for 1.57k reads.

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