Chapter 8

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"Filled with chaos..."

Hoseok's P.O.V

I happily greeted everyone who entered the café. Jungkook must be running late because it's currently 9:45am, our shift started at 8. I wonder what happened to him...

Speaking of said person, he entered the café sullen with a depressed aura.

"Good morning." He grumbled.

"Good morning Jungkook!" I greeted with enthusiasm just to lighten the mood.

When I realized that he just wouldn't cheer up, I decided to give him the space he needed.


It has been a long day at work and Jungkook haven't smiled or spoken once.
He dragged his feet everywhere he went as if life was weighing down on him.

I'll make it my duty to cheer him up.


"Yes?" He sounded rather annoyed. Ouch. But it's still my duty to make him smile.

"Look what I made." I showed him a cupcake I made with the design of a bunny on top.

He looked at it and frowned even more.

"Kookie, what's wrong?"

I saw him visibly flinch and grew concerned.

I gently placed the cupcake down and went over to him.

"Jungkook, what's wrong?"

He remained silent. As if he was lost in his thoughts.

"H-hoseok?" The way he called my name, it was as if he was testing to see if I were really there.

"Yes, I'm right here Jungkook."

Suddenly he hugged me making me jolt in surprise but I quickly recovered and wrapped my arms around him.

"H-hoseok, don't leave me, p-please."His voice cracked before he started sobbing uncontrollably on my chest.

Where was this coming from?
Did something happen?

Nevertheless, I hugged him tighter.

"I promise Jungkook, I won't leave you."

We eventually closed the café and I walked Jungkook home.

"Thank you Hoseok, for taking me home..."
He started.

"And I'm sorry for breaking down like that in front of you. I'll try to remain as proffessional as possible, it won't happen again."

I stood shocked for a moment then shook my head.

"No, I want to be your friend. Please, tell me if something comes up, I want to help you, Jungkook-ah."

I saw his eyes water again and quickly hugged him.

"Don't cry Jungkook, I'm here."

I led him inside his somewhat isolated home and left.

I hope he'll be okay...


Jungkook's P.O.V

Everything that happened with Hoseok just reminded me of him.

Where is he?

I woke up this morning and realized that he wasn't there with me.
When he told me he wouldn't leave me. Such a liar.


I turned around in shock and saw Taehyung.
It was as if all my anger towards him vanished and was replaced with sadness.

"Jungkook, who was that?"

Who was who?

"The guy you were walking with."

Hoseok. Yes, Hoseok...

"That was my co-worker and friend, Hoseok."

He seemed upset, what was he upset about?
He's the one that left me.


"Why what?"

"Why were you with him?!"

I flinched and once again anger builded in me.

"Because you left me!"

His facial muscles seem to visually calm but I could tell he was still upset.

"I'm sorry, it's just that Namjoon and Jin asked me for a favour, I couldn't show up this morning."

"Jin... What is he up to?"

"He moved in with Namjoon yesterday. They're also getting married in a few months."

"And he didn't bother to tell his best friend?!"

"I'm sorry Kookie."

"No, it's okay, he must have his reasons... He doesn't have the time for some annoying brat like me."

"Jungkook, don't say that."

"Don't try and deny it! Even you... You have better things to do."

"But I'd rather stay here with you, Kookie."

I blushed and held my head down. I hated the fact that I felt so attached to him.

Soon, I was pulled in his warm embrace.

"I'm sorry Kookie, please forgive me."

I nodded dumbly then hugged him.

"I forgive you."



"I know the time is short since we met but, I really like you... Will you be my boyfriend?"

My eyes widen at the question.

Taehyung? Kim Taehyung wants me to be his boyfriend?!

Pulling him tighter against me I nodded.

"Yes! I'd love that. Never leave me..."

"I won't, I promise."

I smiled, but for some reason. Hoseok flashed in my head.


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