Chapter 12

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"It was already too late..."

Third Person P.O.V

The next day Jungkook never showed up at work, making Hoseok a nervous wreck.
He made a mental note to visit the latter later.
But before that can happen he has to deal with the wave of customers that flooded through the doors.
Business people, high schoolers, college students...
Everyone just decided to show up at the café when he was the only one working.

He was mentally cursing the younger but was slightly happy that the younger got a break.
He wondered how he was doing.

"Probably with his boyfriend..."

"You should just leave him alone and get a life."

Voices filled Hoseok's head as he tried his best to remain positive and serve the customers with a smile.

"You're so fake."

Hoseok wiped the tables, did his role as a cashier and serve the customers.
It was honestly quite the task to handle, especially with those thoughts looming through his mind.
He just wished the day would come to an end so he could rest,

And of course see Jungkook.


Jungkook's P.O.V

I called Taehyung's phone several times and not once did I receive an answer.

I curled into a ball on the couch skimming through TV channels and waiting on Tae to atleast leave a message.

I haven't heard from Jin at all, it's as if he disappeared from my life completely. As if he were never there.
The one person I depended on and wouldn't hesitate to trust my life with left me.
I honestly thought that, Taehyung could fill that gap, turns out he abandoned me when he no longer had use for me.

It was about 4pm when I got a call.
Looking at the caller ID I realized it was Tae.
I hesitantly took up the phone and placed it at my ear.


At first, there was no sound on the other end of the line, so I repeated

"Hello? Tae?"

Still no answer.

I pressed the phone against my ear harder with the hopes of hearing anything in the background.
Something, anything at all.

Soon the line started to crack up.
Growing frantic I shouted into the speaker.

"Taehyung?! Taehyung?! Can you hear me?! What's happening?! Where are you?!"

Third Person P.O.V

In between cracks, he heard the distorted sound of his boyfriend's voice.

"Meet... Me.....View...Carried you."

Meet me at the sight seeing view I carried you?

Jungkook nodded vigorously even though Taehyung couldn't see him.
The line was somehow cut and Jungkook didn't hesitate to throw some clothes on.
Throwing on his white T-shirt, dust grey joggers and converse.
Jungkook dashed out of his house, leaving the TV on and the door open.

At this self same moment, Hoseok was taking his sweet time walking to Jungkook's house until he saw the mop of brown hair blasting through the wind.

Jungkook was running madly and blindly to an unknown destination.


But the running man hadn't heard Hoseok's cry.

Hoseok became curious about where the younger was heading to in such a haste, he had dropped his belongings and ran after the other in a mad chase.


Follow the heart and not the brain and you'll see reality(?)


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