Chapter 15

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"Nothing was under his feet..."

Third Person P.O.V

Jungkook and Hoseok sat there in one another's embrace, accepting reality.

"Hoseok?" Jungkook finally broke the silence that enveloped them.

"Yes Jungkook?"

"Why did you come here, with me, to this dangerous place..." Jungkook asked quietly.

"I don't know, it was either, curiosity or instinct. I think... If I wasn't here, you'd be dead right now, chasing after an illusion."

Jungkook tensed at the term.


Taehyung felt real, his kisses, his touches and his voice, not only that, but the events.

He now understood why people gave him weird looks.
It wasn't because they were homophobic or because they hated him, it was because he had been there, laughing, talking and playing with nothing at all.

He started remembering his childhood, how the students would scorn him.

He attended a normal school as his parents thought that he had only played with his imagination because he was young and imaginative.
They died soon after they found out about Jungkook's disorder.

While the family of three were on their way back home one late night, a drunk driver had slammed into their car sending them crashing into a pole, Jungkook being the only surviver with broken bones while his parents died on the spot.

He witnessed the blinding white light of the car colliding with his parents, how their body moved along with the impact of the car. His mother's head hitting the window point blank, while his father who was driving, head went straight through the windscreen of the car, his eyes and mouth wide from his last terror.

Jungkook went to high school, living with his old ways. He was mocked and sometimes bullied, but because of his disinterested features, they just left him alone. Then he had met Taehyung, the most beautiful human he had ever laid eyes on. Taehyung wanted to go to a University that offered Art and Photography as one of the main courses and that motivated Jungkook to do the same.

He had started looking for jobs with the intention of sending himself to college with the money he would've earned.

There he stumbled upon Café Latté and had met Jin and Jackson.Jin having the same mental disorder as him.

He has been labelled as delusional ever since.
He hated the psychiatrist, he hated the appointments and he hated the hospital.

Eventually Jin had stopped forcing him to join him.

Jungkook hated reality.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!"

He was snapped out of memory lane as he saw Hoseok in front of him waving his hands.

Jungkook shakily backed away from Hoseok. This  alarmed the older, trying to reach after Jungkook.
Jungkook suddenly pushed Hoseok making him fall to the ground.

Jungkook quickly ran over to the spot he saw Taehyung commited suicide and attempted to step off.

Everything slowed down for Hoseok, he tried moving his fastest to catch the younger.

Jungkook didn't know what he was doing, his body was just moving on it's own.
"What is this?"
Was the only sensible question his mind could muster.

Distantly, but loud enough he heard.


When Hoseok was able to reach him, it was already too late.
He cried for so long.

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