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some wording had to be censored. 

welcome to the multimedia designs club, aka the mdc, sometimes dubbed as the multi-drama club. you're either here because:

a. you make graphics

b.  you need a cover or banner

c. you make everyone there miserable with your rudeness and -.- faces

d. you are a curious newcomer

e. you misclicked the improve your writing club, cafe, or any other random club

whatever or whoever you may be, we welcome you just like those speakers at church. now that you are welcomed, you're probably going to fit in like a missing puzzle piece. unfortunately for you, mdc-ers are usually cautious although most will welcome you like a long lost individual they've never heard of. as long as you're nice and not a huge bitch who everyone wants to destroy, you'll fit in soon enough. there are billions of people in the mdc, so as long as you're actively involved in a positive manner, you're going to make a lot of internet friends.

just like in real life, one can not be friends with everyone. in the mdc, there are the perverts, b*tches, fun people, and weird people.

these terms are defined by meatball and sandwich, so they may/may not be as accurate as your handy dandy urban dictionary.

perverts: those people that use "inappropiate" and/or "personal" terms in a fun and teasing manner. these are nice people, but if you are uncomfortable with the examples, they may/may not be your best-est friends. 

ex: i'll take your virginity with my v*gina; i'll slap you with my d*ck; p*nis; my b8bs will smack your face; *rubs d*ck on you*

b*tches: those people that make everything look bad, especially themselves. the words "rude," "mean," and "i'm just being honest" are thrown around by them very often. they think they're being honest and nice, but they are honestly being plain rude. some of them consider themselves as "graphic gods/goddesses" with their unprofessional and very flawed graphics. most, if not all, are very nice on the surface, but under the thin layer is a female dog waiting to claw you apart. fortunately, we don't have too many of these. 

ex: you graphic looks fake; she is ugly; the blood looks like a png; it's not the right size -.-; everything is ugly; your graphics are terrible; you're never going to be as good as "insert random username here"

fun people: the people that most generally love and want to be friends with. they are awesome to be around and have billions of friends cause of that. they can be friends with almost anybody and are generally the most welcoming of people; though they do have a somewhat mean side if you provoke them or their friends. their friendliness causes them to help people and keep the positivity. the mdc is crowded with these people, so it'll be easy to find 10 or more. 

ex: hai there; do you need any help?; *insert awesome gif here*; that graphic is very nice; random person: my graphics are terrible. fun people: d/w you'll improve. *insert inspiring quote here* 

weird people: the most random yet charismatic people ever. they have many interests which makes them easy to be friends with. you'll find them all over the mdc doing the most random things ever. they are usually weird around friends only, but it isn't surprising if you see them weird around everyone. 

ex: *posts lots of gifs*; *does spam attack*; *safely trolls* (safe as in not hurting anyone physically or mentally)

if you consider yourself in more than one group, it's ok because that's normal. we're all human beings. if you can not be grouped into any of these, comment below what groups you think there are (ex: creepy clowns that molest stuffed animals). other than that, welcome to hell- i mean the mdc. this is where you will find you fate in the world of kpop ppl, asians, pokemon, etc.

-meatball + sandwich 

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